{'en': 'Diabetes-Colesterol-Statines', 'es': 'Diabetes-colesterol-estatinas'} Image


06/30/2022 9:52 a.m.

Hello Foros!

Yesterday my review with the endocrine and I go out with two gifts:
* Positive antibodies of Hashimoto hypothyroidism (at the moment my thyroid is functional)
* Atorvastatin to control cholesterol, which I have high (232 the total, 135 the LDL)

I have been investigating the statins and I don't like anything, nothing.

I would like to know if any of you take them, how do they feel and if they are effective about cholesterol.

I also want to ask you if I can do something to lower cholesterol naturally and finally, if the statins are going to be another life imprisonment or there is any possibility that cholesterol is regulated and can stop taking them.

Thank you!

LADA desde septiembre de 2021
Toujeo y Fiasp

06/30/2022 10:24 a.m.

Hi @ENSALADA.I am the same as you regarding cholesterol.In the last review I went out with a Atorvastatin Puata (10 mg).I had never had high cholesterol before, so I think it has been as a result of debuting almost three years ago with type 1 diabetes. I am taking the statins, and for the moment.Before this, I tried to reduce more food that could cause cholesterol, I took Danacol and started running.So a year, and there has been no way to reduce cholesterol, so I only had the medication.I do not have it excessively high, I am at the limit, but the endocrine already recommended it, so I am there.I can't tell you anymore, because until September I don't have the next review.So I don't know how it will leave or if I will have to keep taking it ...

DM1 desde octubre de 2019 | Toujeo + Fiasp | FreeStyle | febrero 2023: HbA1c 5,9

06/30/2022 10:57 a.m.

salad said:
hello foros,
Well nothing, yesterday my review with the endocrine and I go out with two gifts:
* Positive antibodies of Hashimoto hypothyroidism (at the moment my thyroid is functional)
* Atorvastatin to control cholesterol, which I have high (232 the total, 135 the LDL)
I have been investigating the statins and I don't like anything, nothing.
I would like to know if any of you take them, how do they feel and if they are effective about cholesterol.I also want to ask you if I can do something to lower cholesterol naturally and finally, if the statins are going to be another life imprisonment or there is any possibility that cholesterol is regulated and can stop taking them.

Diet and exercise for cholesterol has always been said ...... Try to eat healthy, low carb.
The Hasimoto ..... Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, its immune system goes crazy, it is not uncommon for those who have DM1 also have another disease, since your system is crazy and you have touched you.
Courage and luck.

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06/30/2022 11:31 a.m.

Before diabetes I have never had high cholesterol.Even when I entered with ketoacidosis I had it normal.It has worsened since I use insulin, I have it clear.
Of all the usual recommendations, the only thing I do not do is force exercise.
Soon I start my vacation and swell to exercise;1 yoga hour and 45 minutes of swimming every day, I have to consider going to make machines to the gym.

LADA desde septiembre de 2021
Toujeo y Fiasp

06/30/2022 1:15 p.m.

Hello, with the theme of cholesterol there is a lot of information on YouTube and Instragram .. especially with the subject and others.

They make accounts that really do not serve much since total cholesterol is not really an indicative of cardiovascular risk .... If you have a good amount of HDL> 50 and triglycerides are not high <80 The LDL is the least.. but still ... to know if there is cardiovascular risk should ask you to analyze lipoprotein A and APO b.

The problem comes and prevention of having high glycos .... If glycia is good that cholesterol .. as a general rule should not worry.

All this is a personal experience of reading and learning ... you can contrast it to get calmer.

From the age of 34 they already wanted to deal with statins and was a resounding.same glyc and it was to change endocrine when I started to prescribe them, no question about my diet or my daily exercise ...

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06/30/2022 1:22 p.m.

I am taking a combination of statin and ezetimiba.But my problem comes before detecting diabetes, since it is familiar hypercholestemia, although then it does not forms plaques in the arteries ... but my uncle always was good and that he had problems (heart attack) because heHe had formed plates in the arteries, closing almost all several ... each is a world ... and medicine is the most inaccurate science that is (said by my internist)

Diagnosticada de DM en enero de 2019, con tres generaciones (yo sería la cuarta) de diabéticos tipo 1 en la familia
En principio DM2 por resistencia a la insulina asociada a SOP (sin tener en cuenta los antecedentes familiares)
De momento, solo con Forxiga y Rybelsus (7mg) por la mañana
La glucosa hace lo que le da la gana
Ultimas Hemos: 7,2 (26/12/2023); 6,7 (12/2/2023, al mes de empezar con Rybelsus 3mg)
Última hemo: 5,4 (8/11/2024)

06/30/2022 3:46 p.m.

Hello @ENSALADA to me it happened to me.I have never had cholesterol, my total count 160 and now 210, that if I have very high "good" and very under the "bad".
Endo tells me that well and the ferritin has also shot me with diabetes.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

06/30/2022 6:39 p.m.

ruthbia said:
hello @ensalada has happened to me.I have never had cholesterol, my total count 160 and now 210, that if I have very high "good" and very under the "bad".
Endo tells me that well and the ferritin has also shot me with diabetes.

And what have they told you about ferritin?

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

06/30/2022 7:01 p.m.

marine said:
Hello, with the theme of cholesterol there are muuuuuucha information on YouTube and Instragram .. especially with the subject Keto and others.

They make accounts that really do not serve much since total cholesterol is not really an indicative of cardiovascular risk .... If you have a good amount of HDL & GT; 50 and the triglycerides are not high & lt; 80 the LDL is what it is whatof less .. but still ... to know if there is cardiovascular risk should ask you in an analytical lipoprotein A and Apo b.

The problem comes and prevention of having high glycos .... If glycia is good that cholesterol .. as a general rule should not worry.

All this is a personal experience of reading and learning ... you can contrast it to get calmer.

From the age of 34 they already wanted to deal with statins and was a resounding.same glyc and it was to change endocrine when I started to prescribe them, no question about my diet or my daily exercise ...

The data are:
HDL 85
LDL 135 (in December I had 110)
Triglycerides 59
It seems that for diabetics they recommend that the LDL does not exceed 100
I don't see lipoprotein to

LADA desde septiembre de 2021
Toujeo y Fiasp

06/30/2022 7:27 p.m.

I take medication for cholesterol.Neither the exercise nor the diet lowered it to me.The first statins caused me gastric problems (sensation of indigestion and constipation).They changed myself and well.I have no side effects and my cholesterol is perfect.

DM1 desde 1982: Toujeo+Novorapid

06/30/2022 9:15 p.m.

@isabelBota Well, nothing, to monitor it and that can come from another autoimmune, of a behavior similar to diabetes, which does not synthesize iron and accumulates in blood, but for now they do not make evidence or bleeding.
It was spending 40 and I am gathering them all ... 😠

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

06/30/2022 9:38 p.m.

ricki21 said:
I take medication for cholesterol.Neither the exercise nor the diet lowered it to me.The first statins caused me gastric problems (sensation of indigestion and constipation).They changed myself and well.I have no side effects and my cholesterol is perfect.

I take Pitavastatina (alipza) says my endocrine that is the best for diabetics and I am phenomenal

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06/30/2022 9:50 p.m.

Normally the LDL, which is why statins are sent is calculated with a formula ... I with 249 of total cabbage, 55 triglycerides and 90 HDL, the LDL was around 140. I made a liposcalw the apo b I had itto the hair.I explained it to endo and understood

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07/01/2022 3:57 p.m.

I have taken statins for a long time.I see that many avoid taking them, @marine.Son problems?Volume rosuvastatina.

66 años. DMII desde 6/22. Jardiance 10 1/0/0. Metformina 850 0/1/1. Ozempic 0’50 1 semanal. Hb A1c mayo/22: 12’1- octubre/22: 6’1

07/01/2022 5:30 p.m.

laselva said:
I have been statins for a long time.I see that many avoid taking them, @marine.Son problems?Volume rosuvastatina.

There are several articles on the Internet, I think that for diabetics it is one of the worst, read them and comment with your endocrine

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07/01/2022 5:48 p.m.

diabetic said:
laselva said:
I have taken statins for a long time.I see that many avoid taking them, @marine.Son problems?Volume rosuvastatina.

There are several articles on the Internet, I think that for diabetics it is one of the worst, read them and comment with your endocrine

You are right, statins like many other medications increase insulin resistance, over the years they may or may not suppose a problem, but valuing the risk/benefit, if you cannot solve it naturally, it must be assumed.
It is like a chemotherapy treatment, it is demonstrated that the resistance increases, to somewhat percent creates diabetes (without assessing the previous state the treatment ...) but it will always be better to take that treatment than not to do it.
In short, you have to try to do well and reduce little by little medication, for anything, provided you can.

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07/01/2022 8:53 p.m.

salad said:
marine said:
hello, with the topic of cholesterol there is muuuuuucha information on YouTube and instragram .. especially with the subject Keto and others.

They make accounts that really do not serve much since total cholesterol is not really an indicative of cardiovascular risk .... If you have a good amount of HDL & GT; 50 and the triglycerides are not high & lt; 80 the LDL is what it is whatof less .. but still ... to know if there is cardiovascular risk should ask you in an analytical lipoprotein A and Apo b.

The problem comes and prevention of having high glycos .... If glycia is good that cholesterol .. as a general rule should not worry.

All this is a personal experience of reading and learning ... you can contrast it to get calmer.

From the age of 34 they already wanted to deal with statins and was a resounding.same glyc and it was to change endocrine when I started to prescribe them, no question about my diet or my daily exercise ...

The data are:
HDL 85
LDL 135 (in December I had 110)
Triglycerides 59
It seems that for diabetics they recommend that the LDL does not exceed 100
I don't see lipoprotein to

You are great, not at all with these values ​​would take statins (personal opinion), if you really worry you ask for the lipoprotein and apoba analytics

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07/01/2022 8:55 p.m.

laselva said:
I have been statins for a long time.I see that many avoid taking them, @marine.Son problems?Volume rosuvastatina.

The problem is that there are studies that indicate that they only prevent cardiovascular risk in 2-3% and as everything medically has its contraindications.Come on .. that it is not very much ...

Eye that I do not ask that you pay attention to me, I ask you to contrast the info by Google and take your conclusions yourself

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07/02/2022 7:09 p.m.

What circulates online about statins scares, but having a cardiovascular problem I think is worse.

DM1 desde 1982: Toujeo+Novorapid

07/03/2022 11:30 a.m.

After 27 years of diabetes they detected cholesterol and hypothyroidism.In principle the cholesterol was at the limit and for 2 or 3 years I regulated it with natural pills, diet and exercise.Then it alternated natural and static pills.In the end stearines.There is nothing to do, just delay the dependence of them a bit.The endocrine takes it very seriously and they do not pass a "high" level in cholesterol.Cardiovascular risk is very high for us.I have to say that I have not had, so far any problem to take them.

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