Good night to all.
I present my name is Vicente and I write to you from Jerez de la Frontera.
I have to start using a glucometer to control occasionally, and I have to choose one.I start from the base, that everyone must be quite achieved today and that have to give quite reliable values, but what I do not like, are the boats where the reactive strips are stored, since as I see in friend to takeA strip have to touch several.
I would like to know what brands and model use individual reactive strips ???.And as is logical your opinion.Can you help me ??Thank you so much
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I have been using strips that go in 50 containers and nothing happens a lot of years and nothing happens because you are not going to use.
Packaging with less than 50 strips if there are, I have had those who have given me any laboratory, but this also does a long time.I think 10.
I have never seen individual.
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Hi Vicente.
I do not know if there are individual packaging (I have not seen), I suppose that the product is unnecessarily, but nothing happens.
Try to take where the strip does not measure and now.
DM 2 diagnosticado en marzo de 2023.
HG debut 13.2 Última HG: 2024 6.3
AntiGAD : Haberlos,Haylos... pero pocos. NEGATIVO pues.
Metformina 1-0-1
Toujeo: Guardada en la nevera... y que siga.
I used Abbott some time ago, they gave them to the Free Style 2 reader (which has to measure glucose too) and they were individually packaged ...
But as I have written to you, I use those that give me in the ambulatory that is a boat with 50. closing it well and protecting them from moisture, extreme heat, etc ... have always gone great.
Silvia (España)
Fiaps + Toujeo.
Díabética desde los 4 años. Ahora tengo 38.
Hbg cambiante.
Yes, I have the Freestyle who come individual but as they have told you, it doesn't matter to touch them before using them.
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These come individually,
There are 25 and 50 boxes

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diabetic said:
These are individually packaged,
There are 25 and 50 boxes

Oysters, I had not yet opened them because I still use those of the other glucometer.It's true.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
I use Abbott's Opium for Freestyele reader, I have also used Litte for Insulinx, also from Abbott.
I received them yesterday from Amazon, € 17.45 the 50th box are very reliable, but the blood tour is a little larger than in the litte.
Opium are in individual container and the litte in boat.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.