Erectile dysfunction can be caused by diabetes or not, but only the doctor can diagnose it and put the proper treatment. Go to the specialist or the urologist, who will be the ones who can help you. Greetings.
Complication of little commented diabetes but very common among men with diabetes ... Sometimes it is indicative of neuropathy ... although as the causes say they can be several, not necessarily diabetes.
As for the solution, if caused by diabetes, you have to have good controls (glycosylated below 6.5%)
Fuck, I have read the documents that Owash has hit and left me a bad body of the copon.50% of diabetics develop erectile dysfunction problems before meeting the first 10 years of their diabetes (I have fought there).But that percentage increases and at 70, it is an overwhelming 95% the percentage of people with diabetes that already has impotence.
Conclusion: To take advantage of now while we can ... In fact, right now I leave the office to see if I start giving the Zolocotroco ...
Hello everyone, I participate little or nothing I have bomb 42 years diabetic from the 20 diabetes perfectly controlled, 15 months in unemployment, problems still you, visit to the doctor after the urologic conclusion Dysfunction PiscoSogenI think about things too much and the brain's lovulo stresses and it fails me by having relationships, they first make you a complete analytical and gave everything perfect to the diabrets nothing, it is more told me the urologist ke for diabetes from the diabetes from the diabetes from the diabetes from65 I could start having solve problems if it happened to me Ke will take cialis I have not needed the best is not because of diabetes, yours does not cut you the doctor there are sole