"What they call diabetes surgery is actually obesity."
Children with diabetes have to be involved in their self -care
Why doesn't diabetes prevention work?
Semergen wants to improve skills in diabetes
J & J receives offer of 2,000 million dollars per area of diabetes lifescan
Education, the key to diabetes, overweight and obesity
How diabetes can be controlled with smart contact lenses
Children who sleep little can be overweight and develop diabetes
Researchers link low amount of sperm with diabetes
Bacteria to combat the effects of type 2 diabetes
21 doctors are formed in a master's degree in diabetes
A young Spanish with diabetes wins the Team Novo Nordisk bicycle in his raffle
Detect diabetes glaucoma in time, decreases the risk of blindness
The use of health technology progresses ... the era of digital health begins!
The Congress of the Mexican Diabetes Federation will help update specialists and patients
Lointek Gernika Bizkaia joins the cause of zero diabetes
Adapt preventive medication of diabetes to child population
Can you give you diabetes for a scare?Science solves this question ...
Young poets fight rhymes against type 2 diabetes
Diabetes: When tablets and when insulin?
Diabetes bulles proliferate on the Internet
Diabetes is one more member of the family
They recommend less intensive blood sugar control for type 2 diabetes
Closer to the first medicine in Europe for neonatal diabetes
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