S6K1 protein could help treat type 2 diabetes
Dehydration by Diabetes Medication
New Nanovacuna in Development to stop type1 diabetes
They discover a possible target to treat type 2 diabetes
Diabetes can hinder scar (study)
Diabetes affects 14% of Spaniards
'Like' barking diabetes
The use of 'lyxumia' (healthy) is safe in diabetics with high cardiovascular risk
Israeli researchers discover flower who can treat diabetes
Bayer sells Care diabetes to Panasonic Healthcare
Reduce tobacco, control hypertension and diabetes, keys to reduce dementia
Diabetes cases grow 90% in Spain between 1990 and 2013
Technological sock that avoids diabetic foot
Hypoglycemia is harmful
Closer to the vaccine to reverse type 1 diabetes (trial in people!)
Microarns activates the death of insulin producing cells in diabetes (study)
Can Ruti successfully rehearses a barrier against type 1 diabetes (cure diabetes)
88,000 Madrid are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes
New Diabetes Medication (Panama) approves
New treatment for blindness associated with diabetes (study)
2day diabetes highlights communication with the patient
Do bacteria cause type 2 diabetes?(Study)
"Diabetes is a life condition" (interview)
Diabetes treatment abandonment due to lack of doctors preparation