UANL researchers use mathematics to study diabetes (Mexico)
Probiotic pill that reduces glucose levels (under study)
The self-responsible patient, key in type 2 diabetes
Prevent diabetic macular edema (EMD)
Metformin can reduce lung cancer risk in non -smoking diabetics
Surgery, hope for type 2 diabetics with obesity
Sold 75% of the capacity of the Experience Day Diabetes
It is sought 'source' insulin alternative for diabetes patients
Performing genetic tests allows better diabetes control
Mexico: Diabetes and Obesity will not be the cause of retirement in the Army
Implanted to a child the first "artificial pancreas" (continuous infusion bomb) of the world
Experiment allows controlling glycemics at cell scale
Sugar or saccharin?
Lack of vitamin A, cause diabetes?
Obama launches an initiative to bring diabetes cure
Toxic metabolites, key in complications
Temporary tattoo for measuring blood glucose.
The 'glycation gap' could be "diabetes thermometer"
Experience Day Diabetes prepares for February 14
The blood group conditions the risk of type 2 diabetes
Genetic tests help control type 2 diabetes
Identify a protein that could prevent the development of obesity -induced diabetes
Diabetes, the opportunity to educate through ICT
One in three people with type I diabetes continues to produce insulin, according to study