Hello, it turns out that I have been more than 1 year since I started treating me diabetes, and HBA1C glycosylated hemoglobin remains above 10, in 10.4.
As I see that for me it is impossible to get out of that value, I want to ask you if you know someone who has been like this for a long time.More than anything to not worry much about the subject and know that I can have a as normal as possible life, despite having that value above 10 and gaul.
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Hello, welcome!I would like to careless, but not that the approach.You have to find a good endocrine and a good treatment, which achieves at least one glycosilada of 7,
What insulins do you use?Have you thought about the bomb?
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
I do know people with we have 9 for more than 10 years and they are fine, but one of them has dropped 6.5 since using the pump.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
From 8 the possibility of complications begins to shoot.

Then there are studies that say that each one has a body with a different capacity to withstand high glucose in it, so there are people who with good control develop complications and another that endures many years with a lousy control.
But with bad control it is only a matter of time, sooner or later the complications are there.
To improve control: Continuous measurement (if you can afford it), insulin bomb, improve diabetological education, change life habits ...
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10/02/2016 11:47 a.m.
@Narciso ... I think that (not worrying about the subject) is not the best option ... that glyc is an average of 250 ... and it is very high ... I totally agree with @artories ....If you ask for help to your center's educator, you can help you better than anyone ... but don't let it pass and get down to work .... greetings.
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I think you are a clear case in which you need a continuous meter and a bomb.I hope you can afford it and that in your hospital they can advise you.
These systems will help you know your reactions to meals and make many more decisions a day that allow you to lower the glucose measure.Insist you endocrine and luck.
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Narcissus, I do not know your particular case and therefore I do not know if you need an MCG and/or bomb ... change endocrine ... education about diabetes ... but without knowing the details, as the classmates say, 10 is a lot and theComplications will appear sooner or later.Now you are in time, look for a solution, ask here / go to your doctor
Hello my daughter for a year has risen to 11 the hemoglobin gl., they have changed the basal insulin of Lantus to swallow and is the same, the same as its glymatical values... A few days are well and sudden
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I am waiting for the social work to authorize me a study for greater control evaluation, a glycemic holter
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Hi, @analia, welcome!Do you put fast insulin before each meal?
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Yes, monitors are made before each main meal (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner) is placed from 100 and 30 a correction unit... or 100 to 130 = 1 unit,
From 130 to 160 = 2 units
From 160 to 190 = 3 unit ...
And so every 30
More for what it eats of carbohydrates ... every 10 grams of carbohydrates 1 insulin unit
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analia said:
Hello my daughter for a year has uploaded to 11 the hemoglobin gl., they have changed the basal insulin of Lantus to swallow and is the same, the same as its glymatical values... A few days are well and suddenly a whole day ... he is 13 years old, he still does not develop and the doctor says that this is the cause of the hormonal growth changes
I am very sorry what I'm going to tell you, but ... 11 glycosilada has nothing to do with hormones.Or your doctor does not have N.P.I., nothing discharge, or your daughter does not tell you everything and does things that should not.
Get a serious follow -up.This is not a constipated.
Padre de Andrés, 17 años. Debut: septiembre de 2011.
Levemir (30ud. mañana y 24ud. noche) y Novorapid (en desayuno, comida, merienda y cena 40ud aprox - 24HC/día).
Medidor continuo DEXCOM G4 desde julio 2014
Hemo: 6.2 (Sept. 2013), 7.0 (Dic. 2013), 6.9 (Marzo 2014), 6,6 (Junio 2014), 6,7 (Sept. 2014), 7,0 (Dic. 2014), 7,7 (Mar 2015), 6,9 (Jul. 2015), 7,0 (Sept 2015), 7,4 (Dic 2015), 6,8 (Mar 2016), 6,6 (Julio 2016), 6,8 (Octubre2016)... 7,0 (Mar 2018)
If you have that glucosilada, you surely need more insulin, children need more doses as they grow.
If you wake up high two days in a row, stirring well, you will have to raise the basal.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
A correction factor of 30, especially at that age, seems very little.The normal thing would be to lower an insulin unit more.It smells like the basal very low.
11 of Hemo is an average of 280 like that can not be, I think just like @aaandres
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10/07/2016 9:45 p.m.
@analia and when do you do the controls before and post in which figures is handled?As much as the counting of rations do well if it is very scarce of basal in the post the curve you have to shoot up ... I think that a good option would be to put it even if it is a free freestyle sensor ... In 14 days you couldknow absolutely everything that happens before modifying anything ... greetings
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We have done post prandisl controls and at dawn, they give it high.
With respect to the basal of the increase every time it is stopped for two days in a row and regulates well ... is with swallow 45 units.Before I had Lantus
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If post controls give him high, he will need to increase the rapids ..
The swallow lasts 24 hours?
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
artories said:
From 8 the possibility of complications begins to shoot.

Then there are studies that say that each one has a body with a different capacity to withstand high glucose in it, so there are people who with good control develop complications and another that endures many years with a lousy control.
But with bad control it is only a matter of time, sooner or later the complications are there.
To improve control: Continuous measurement (if you can afford it), insulin pump, improve diabetological education, change life habits ...
Ok, anyway, as I have started older with diabetes I imagine that there is less time for my organs to deteriorate, right?I ask it why my endocrine treat me with a lot of tranquility, without worrying in the slightest and is of good ink that are magnificent since they speak wonders of the Civil Hospital of Malaga.The same if they were younger, would they worry more?
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