I don't know if I'm diabetic

04/16/2022 10:16 a.m.

Hello everyone, I introduce myself, my name is Victor.I am 31 years old and I am from Barcelona.About two weeks ago they did an analytical in the afternoon in the emergency room and blood glucose came out, here in Catalonia the normal maximum values ​​are from 74 to 110 and I had 97'5, a week ago again in the emergency room in the afternoon IThey made another blood analytics and has left very high, 151, nobody has told me anything about that, I have enough symptoms, it is considered that my glucose is or was quite high?Can it be diabetes?Prediabetes?Greetings to all.On the 8th I have an appointment with my GP, I will comment.Enchanted to meet you.

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04/16/2022 1:39 p.m.

@VICTORMVP1991, you have to do the fasting analytics, if not the values ​​come out higher.
150 It seems high, but it depends on what you have eaten.
They will have to do more studies.such as glycosylated hemoglobin, to clarify the diagnosis.
Tell him with the doctor and the symptoms you have.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

04/16/2022 1:53 p.m.

Thank you very much @regina, I will comment with the doctor.

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04/18/2022 9:54 a.m.

@Victormvp1991 does not have to be diabetes, 151mg/dl in the afternoon is not a symptom of diabetes, it can rise the glucose by fasting, stress, nerves, ...
If you had given over 160mg/dl, I would tell you that yes, but a loose fact is not relevant.
What do you mean with "swings symptoms"?

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

04/18/2022 10:59 a.m.

@Ruthbia is worth that with that I have clarified Rubitha, thanks for answering.I will go to the emergency room again and talk to my header, because I have many symptoms for example binocular diplopia that has nothing to do with the eyes, according to ophthalmology and it has to be neurological or vascular, dizziness that does not cease throughout the day,A lot of thirst, orino enough, not to tell you much, eat as normal, and a very long but very long etc ... And in the emergency nobody tells me anything, they give me a diazepam and they send me home ... I no longer endure it anymore.I swear ... I will return to emergency to look at me well because they don't know what happens to me.Forgive the inconvenience that I have caused you, I just wanted to know if my symptoms could be diabetes.Eternally grateful I am.

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04/18/2022 12:41 p.m.


To get an idea.When I went to the endocrine and sent myself directly to the hospital I was in 400 and I had an HBA1C (heglobin test) of 12.

Your blood sugar values ​​are not very high to be so thirst and vision problems.It may be another cause than diabetes.

But in any case it is clear that you have to go to the doctor soon and do the blood and urine tests that consider.

Greetings and I hope better!

DM1 desde Marzo 2018 (53 años). 7-10 unidades basal: Abasaglar (insulina glargina). NovoRapid. Factor 1.0/1.5.
Vivo en Alemania. CarboH total dia 70-80 gr. Deporte Gym todos dias L-V 1h-2 h
HbA1c 5,5% (Abril 2022)
Dexcom G6

04/18/2022 12:43 p.m.

@jldiazdel thanks for answering, greetings!

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04/18/2022 2:01 p.m.

The diplopia has nothing to do with diabetes, 151 mg/dl if it is in the afternoon or after a meal it is normal, glucose 1 h after eating in non -diabetic can even reach 180, I think you should calm down and not make mealshead because it is worse and you will provoke a disease worse than diabetes

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04/18/2022 2:27 p.m.

Thanks @ROGERIX for answering me.All the best.

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04/18/2022 3:46 p.m.

For both types of diabetes, tests and exams for their detection are fasting glucose level, if reading is greater than 126 mg/dl, twice the disease is diagnosed;A1C hemoglobin exam, the normal level is 5.7%, prediabetes between 5.7% and 6.4% and diabetes from 6.5% onwards;...


04/24/2022 4:28 p.m.

victormvp1991 said:
Hello everyone, I present myself, my name is Victor.I am 31 years old and I am from Barcelona.About two weeks ago they did an analytical in the afternoon in the emergency room and blood glucose came out, here in Catalonia the normal maximum values ​​are from 74 to 110 and I had 97'5, a week ago again in the emergency room in the afternoon IThey made another blood analytics and has left very high, 151, nobody has told me anything about that, I have enough symptoms, it is considered that my glucose is or was quite high?Can it be diabetes?Prediabetes?Greetings to all.On the 8th I have an appointment with my GP, I will comment.Delighted to meet you.

Hello.Apparently the results of your studies are normal.Less than 100 in the morning on an empty stomach and 151 later (I suppose after eating, lunch, etc).Although "by the book" you should have 140 or less (it may be a sign of prediabetes, but surely it is nothing). See table below.

Glucose studies should be carried out as follows:

a) On an empty stomach, when you get up, with 8 to 12 hours of fasting.It must give you less than 100 (in theory).
b) Two hours after ingesting food.Between 120 and 140 I think OK is.151 is a little tall but depends on you ate and other factors

Something useful would be that you did a glycosylized hemoblobin exam.You should give you approx 5.7 to 6.0 to know that you are fine.This study is very good because it will give you an idea of ​​how you have had glucose in the last 90 days on average.

Something too that I recommend is that if possible, when you go with the doctor you first take a battery of studies.You can usually make a blood chemistry from 27 to 33 elements, general examination of Origina (ego) and blood biometry.There the doctor can not only see the issue of blood sugar but will see uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.He will tell you if he needs others (thyroid, etc).

I share a useful table on glucose:

Desde México. DB2. Metformina c/ 12hrs. No insulina. HCG22/02/21: 9.0. HCG 18/04/21: 7.4

04/24/2022 10:09 p.m.

matrix said:
victormvp1991 said:
hello everyone, I present myself, I call myself Victor.I am 31 years old and I am from Barcelona.About two weeks ago they did an analytical in the afternoon in the emergency room and blood glucose came out, here in Catalonia the normal maximum values ​​are from 74 to 110 and I had 97'5, a week ago again in the emergency room in the afternoon IThey made another blood analytics and has left very high, 151, nobody has told me anything about that, I have enough symptoms, it is considered that my glucose is or was quite high?Can it be diabetes?Prediabetes?Greetings to all.On the 8th I have an appointment with my GP, I will comment.Delighted to meet you.

Hello.Apparently the results of your studies are normal.Less than 100 in the morning on an empty stomach and 151 later (I suppose after eating, lunch, etc).Although "by the book" you should have 140 or less (it may be a sign of prediabetes, but surely it is nothing). See table below.

Glucose studies should be carried out as follows:

a) On an empty stomach, when you get up, with 8 to 12 hours of fasting.It must give you less than 100 (in theory).
b) Two hours after ingesting food.Between 120 and 140 I think OK is.151 is a little tall but depends on you ate and other factors

Something useful would be that you did a glycosylized hemoblobin exam.You should give you approx 5.7 to 6.0 to know that you are fine.This study is very good because it will give you an idea of ​​how you have had glucose in the last 90 days on average.

Something too that I recommend is that if possible, when you go with the doctor you first take a battery of studies.You can usually make a blood chemistry from 27 to 33 elements, general examination of Origina (ego) and blood biometry.There the doctor can not only see the issue of blood sugar but will see uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.He will tell you if he needs others (thyroid, etc).

I share a useful table on glucose:

Dear @matrix, I don't know if you continue with glycosiladoneself ... greetings and take care !!

DM3c desde 2018; hb 6 % (feb.. 2022) (tresiba+fiasp+metformina)

04/24/2022 10:13 p.m.

Thank you all for answering !!!All the best!!!

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04/24/2022 10:50 p.m.

Dear @matrix, I don't know if you continue with glycosiladoneself ... Greetings and take care !!
@victormvp1991 thanks.Who serves me the DB2 is my cardiologist.A few months ago he sent me treatment with Duo Invokana, which is canagliflozine + metformin, but the most I have managed to download is 6.9.My doctor tells me that he is perfect, while around 7 is a good control figure.What happened to me recently is that I do not get the medication and I am provisionally taking a combination.In a few days I will study to see how I go.

Desde México. DB2. Metformina c/ 12hrs. No insulina. HCG22/02/21: 9.0. HCG 18/04/21: 7.4

04/24/2022 10:56 p.m.

matrix said:

Dear @matrix, I don't know if you continue with glycosiladoneself ... Greetings and take care !!
@victormvp1991 thanks.Who serves me the DB2 is my cardiologist.A few months ago he sent me treatment with Duo Invokana, which is canagliflozine + metformin, but the most I have managed to download is 6.9.My doctor tells me that he is perfect, while around 7 is a good control figure.What happened to me recently is that I do not get the medication and I am provisionally taking a combination.In a few days I will study to see how I go.

Hi Matrix.The one who wrote to you was Alberto13 (I see that you answer another).
The fact is that I agree with Alberto.We must have the glycosylated closer to 6, the 7 is the limit.Maybe a second opinion of Endocrine.

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

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