Hello good afternoon everyone, this time I will not ask any questions as many times, this time I just want to greet and give thanks for all the advice and why I consider that you are my friends to those who probably never know in person but that you are always on the other side.So what !!!!!Hello, good afternoon.!!!!!
Sharing experiences with people like you who feel the same as me or has someone very close who feels it seems more rewarding than any appointment with my endocrine/ educator without detracting from these who are very nice with me ... a greeting = D>
I also join the greeting and thanks, because in three months my glycina gives me from 9 to 7, that is because of what I have learned here, thanks to all all ♡♡
I also want to greet you and thank you from the heart of all the help you give me. What do I have no idea of something?Well, there is always someone to make a hand and solve the problem. Thank you so much