Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in dogs.Although it is generally thought that diabetes affects only men and women, it is also a disease suffered by animals.But what are the most common symptoms?Is canine diabetes curable?How to know if my dog has diabetes?
The main characteristic of canine diabetes, also called diabetes mellitus (the most common type of diabetes) is the lack of insulin.
But let's be clearer, first, what is insulin, what is it for and why is it important for me and animals?
The foods we consume and that consume our pets break down within our bodies in components that can be used by our body.
When you consume carbohydrates (bananas, corn, cereals, cookies, pizzas, pasta, rice) Our organization takes advantage of the sugars of these foods to produce glucose.
Once it is absorbed through the intestine, the glucose ends in the blood and provides energy to the body's cells so that it can work properly and thus be able to perform our daily activities.
If glucose cannot enter the cells, (due to the lack of insulin) it accumulates in the blood.Fact that makes puppies have too high blood sugar levels, causing the dreaded diabetes.
Approximately 70 % of dogs with diabetes are females and the risk of developing this disease grows in dogs between seven and nine years of age.
What are the most susceptible dogs to diabetes?
Also canine diabetes can occur when a dog is heavier than average.As in people, obesity in dogs can have very serious consequences for their health, such as: a greater risk of heart disease, reduction of life expectancy and diabetes.
Canine diabetes can affect any dog breed, but Dachshund dogs (or sausage dogs), caniche or poodles, miniature schnauzer, the Cairn Terrier, and the English Springer Spaniel are at a greater risk of being able to get the disease.
How to know if my dog has diabetes?Symptoms
The puppies that have this terrible disease normally have the following symptoms.
They are thirsty all the time.A quadruped with diabetes drink more liquids than normal.This is due to the dehydration caused by high glucose levels in your body.
They often have more appetite.Diabetes puppies tend to be more hungry than normal.They are always looking for something to eat.
Thinning and tiredness.Although your animal consumes more food, it suffers from a marked weight loss and sleeps more common.The dog is constantly tired since cells do not absorb enough food of food causing its body to occupy the energy it has of reserve (fats).
Sudden appearance of cataracts in the eyes.Frequently, cataracts have already developed at the time when diabetes is diagnosed.Many dogs with diabetes can become blind, although diabetes is treated carefully.
If you observe any of the symptoms mentioned above in your pet do not hesitate to go immediately with your veterinarian.If dogs are not diagnosed on time and do not receive the necessary treatment they can develop potentially mortal secondary complications due to metabolic alterations in their body.
Is canine diabetes curable?
Canine diabetes is treatable but it is important to detect it in time so that it has no complications.It is essential that your pet is treated by a veterinarian that performs blood and urine tests to diagnose your dog.
Blood and urine analysisThey will serve to see how high the glucose levels are in your dog's bloodstream so that your veterinarian prescribes the right treatment to treat your pet.
In 2013, the Autonomous University of Barcelona published that one of its researchers, Professor Fàtima Bosch and her team, had managed to completely cure type 1 diabetes in dogs through a single gene therapy session.
After a single gene therapy treatment, dogs recovered their health status and stopped suffering from diabetes symptoms.The follow -up was carried out for more than four years in some specimens, and in no case have the symptoms of the disease reappear.