Sugar climbs

03/10/2021 3:18 p.m.

jldiazdel said:
is not a very high peak.If it is only a temporary peak and then gradually return glycemia to reasonable values ​​I think you have taken the measure to legumes!

Thank you ;)


05/13/2021 5:49 p.m.

Hello a question when the sugar is taken from time since you end up or two time from what you emphasize to eat.Gracoaa

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05/13/2021 5:53 p.m.

I don't understand your question.I think some errata for the automatic concealer.But words are missing
All the best

DM1 desde Marzo 2018 (53 años). 7-10 unidades basal: Abasaglar (insulina glargina). NovoRapid. Factor 1.0/1.5.
Vivo en Alemania. CarboH total dia 70-80 gr. Deporte Gym todos dias L-V 1h-2 h
HbA1c 5,5% (Abril 2022)
Dexcom G6

05/14/2021 7:09 a.m.

Now I understand what you have put me in my user.I answer you through the chat you put.

It is recommended to measure glycemia around two or three hours after a meal.

All the best

DM1 desde Marzo 2018 (53 años). 7-10 unidades basal: Abasaglar (insulina glargina). NovoRapid. Factor 1.0/1.5.
Vivo en Alemania. CarboH total dia 70-80 gr. Deporte Gym todos dias L-V 1h-2 h
HbA1c 5,5% (Abril 2022)
Dexcom G6

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