In the 1998 edition, dedicated to diabetes and other metabolic diseases, 126 projects were presented, which were sent to ANEP for evaluation.In accordance with the proposal of the Advisory Commission of the La Mararató Foundation of TV3, the Board of Trustees agreed to distribute € 3313,476 among 37 biomedical research projects.The results obtained were made public in the V Symposium Fundació La Mararató de TV3, held in 2004.

"Study of the therapeutic effect of neurotrophins in diabetic neuropathies"

Dr. Jordi Alberch VIé

Facultat of Medicine.Foundation Clinic Per a the biomèdic rerca
Financing: € 99,660

"Pilot study of diabetes and obesity in Catalunya"

Dr. Jaume Arroyo Bros

DAP Sabadell.Fundació Jordi Gol I Gurina
Dr. Begoña Campos Bonilla

Dr. Anna Sanmartí Sala

University Hospital Germans Trias I Pujol
Financing: € 141,642

"Homocysteine ​​and disease: genetic, biochemical and clinical studies of homocistinuria and risk"

Dr. Susana Balcells Comas

Biology Facultat.University of Barcelona
Dr. M. Antònia Vilaseca Search

Sant Joan de Déu University Hospital
Dr. Xavier painted Sala

Ciutat Sanitària I University of Bellvitge
Financing: € 71,549

"Genic therapy in diabetic animal models"

Dr. Ramon Bartrons Bach

Facultat d'Olontologia.Fundació August Pi i Sunyer
Financing: € 98,936

"Study of the Molecular Machinery Secretory of Insulin and the translocation of the Glut4 glucose conveyor. Functional and expression changes related to diabetes"

Dr. Joan M. V. Blasi Cabús

Facultat of Medicine.Fundació August Pi i Sunyer
Financing: € 72,392

"Oral antidiabetics. New Aza-Synthesis Procedures of Glucosidase Inhibitors"

Dr. Joan Bosch Cartes

Farmàcia Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 62,161


Dr. Fàtima Bosch Tubert

Facultat of Veterinària.Autonomous University of Barcelona
Financing: € 131,271

"Study of the antioxidant system and oxidative stress in phenylcetonuric patients"

Dr. Jaume Campistol Flat

Sant Joan de Déu University Hospital
Financing: € 74,586

"Assessment of oxidative stress and fibrogenesis in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Influence of glycemic control and tobac consumption"

Dr. Enric Esmatjes Mompó

Provincial Clinic I Hospital of Barcelona
Financing: € 68,302

"Molecular and functional analysis of mitations in the mitochondrial DNA involved in progressive deafness and diabetes"

Dr. Xavier Estivill Pallejà

Menic and molecular genetic center.Institut de Recerca Oncològica
Financing: € 91.214

"Dissection of a transcriptional circuit that controls the function of insulin producing cells"

Dr. Jorge Ferrer Marrades

Provincial Clinic I Hospital of Barcelona
Financing: € 100,017

"Transfer of the WASP gene, mediated by retroviral vectors, to lymphoblasts of patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: evaluation of metabolic and functional changes"

Dr. Cristina Fillat Fonts

Menic and molecular genetic center.Institut de Recerca Oncològica
Financing: € 29,903

"Search for genes related to IPF-1 (Insulin Promoter Factor-1): Implications in the regulation of the insulin gene and in type 2 diabetes"

Dr. Jordi Garcia Fernàndez

Dr. Gemma Marfany Nadal

Biology Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 108,733

"The alteration of the Malonyl-Coa union to the carnitine Palmitail Transferas(Niddm) "

Dr. Fausto García Hegardt

Farmàcia Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 76,735

"Diabetes and work. Analysis of the influence of disease control and working conditions on the absenteeism of diabetic people"

Dr. Joan Gené Badia

Financing: € 28,825

"Study of the activation of stress flinases by TNF-Alpha and Oxidative Stress in Adipocytes: Intercom with the signal generated by insulin"

Dr. Néstor Gómez Trias

Facultat of Veterinària.Autonomous University of Barcelona
Financing: € 61.423

"Neogenesis of pancreatic islets: identification of the differential expression of the induced per tungsato" genes "

Dr. Ramon Gomis de Barbarà

Provincial Clinic I Hospital of Barcelona
Financing: € 109,685

"6-phosphate glucose as a key metabolite in glycemic regulation mechanisms"

Dr. Joan J. Guinovart Cirra

Chemistry Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 73,357

"Hepatitis C virus as a risk factor for developing a diabetes mellitus: study of etiopathogenic mechanisms"

Dr. Cristina Hernández Pascual

University General Hospital Vall d'Hebron
Financing: € 41,036

"Research on the quality of information in Diabetes Mellitus available on the Internet. Construction and validation of a quality evaluation instrument"

Dr. Albert J. Jovelll Fernández

Josep Laporte Library Foundation.Autonomous University of Barcelona
Financing: € 28,474

"Opidiab: Research model for health management and economy, and optimization of the quality of integrated assistance to diabetes mellitus"

Dr. Alberto de Leiva Hidalgo

Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau
Financing: € 96,343

"Palmitiltransferase I carnitine (CPT I) as Pharmacological Diana to Type 2 Diabetes"

Dr. Pedro F. Marrero González

Farmàcia Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 69,786

"Vegf and Angiopoetina-2 expression in a diabetic retinopathy model"

Dr. Cristóbal Mosquita Pla

Facultat of Medicine.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 115,827

"Effect of hyperglycemia in the primary failure of pancreatic islet transplantation: contribution to death and dysfunction of beta cells"

Dr. Eduard Montanya Mias

Ciutat Sanitària I University of Bellvitge
Financing: € 80,947

"Study of the determining factors of amyloidogenesis in the pancreatic beta cell and its pathogenic relationship with type 2 diabetes"

Dr. Anna Novials Sardà

Fundació Sardà Farriol
Dr. Elena Fernández Usac

Provincial Clinic I Hospital of Barcelona
Dr. Anne Clark

Radcliffe InfirMary.University of Oxford
Financing: € 280.408

"Diabetes mellitus, Iron cell overload and prevalence of HFE gene mutations in the Spanish population"

Dr. Rafael Oliva Virgili

Provincial Clinic I Hospital of Barcelona
Financing: € 78.183

"Physical-chemical and functional characterization of the modified subfraction, electronegative of low density lipoproteins (LDL (-)) on diabetes mellitus. Influence of the glycemic profile"

Dr. Jordi Ordonez Llanos

Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau
Financing: € 108,588

"Analysis of the role of plasminogen activators (PAS) to diabetic nephropathy. Establishment of the Experimental Induction Model of Diabetes to Null Mice for the PAS"

Dr. Rosanna Paciucci Barzanti

Materninfantil Hospital Vall d'Hebron
Financing: € 67,035

"Modulating paper of the biological response to Maillard's reaction in the evolution of nephropathy in an experimental diabetes model"

Dr. Joan Prat Corominas

Facultat of Medicine.University of LleidaFinancing: € 52,840

"P48 transcriptional factor role in the development, proliferation and differentiation of endocrine pàncreas"

Dr. Francisco X. Real Arribas

Municipal Institut d'Eldica research
Financing: € 130,305

"Lipoprotein lipase and receiver of low density lipoproteins and their relationship with diabetes"

Dr. Manuel Reina del Pozo

Biology Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 77,459

"Mutational analysis of the intracellular domain" x1c "of the receptor gene 2 of the alpha tumor necrosis factor in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2"

Dr. Cristóbal Richart Jurado

Joan XXIII University Hospital.Tarragona
Financing: € 73,647

"Pilot studio of household postprandials and glycemia in people with triglyceride figures between 100 and 200 mg/dl, with and without an altered blood glucose"

Dr. Emili Ros Rahola

Provincial Clinic I Hospital of Barcelona
Financing: € 23.621

"Physiological adaptations in the modification of the insulin supply/demand ratio"

Dr. Bernat Soria Escoms

Bioenginyeria Institut.University Miguel Hernández
Financing: € 125,041

"The UCP3 mitochondrial decoupling protein, new therapeutic target of obesity and type 2 diabetes"

Dr. Francesc Villarroya Gombau

Biology Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 101,831

"IFN-beet and genetic predisposition to type 1 diabetes: Comparative analysis in the transgenic mouse pins -ifnbeta non-obese diabetic (nod) and not obese resistance (nor)"

Dr. Marta Vives Pi

University Hospital Germans Trias I Pujol
Financing: € 70,198

"Identification and functional analysis of genes involved in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus"

Dr. Antonio Zorzano Olarte

Biology Facultat.University of Barcelona
Financing: € 131.415