Today I have read a tweet that has taken me to this article, I wonder, what have you reached you on this topic? Do you think it may be true?
Insulin could be so important to the mind as for the body.Investigations of recent times have evidenced the possibility that memory loss during Alzheimer's could be due to a new type of diabetes.
A group of American scientists have discovered why insulin, crucial for memory formation, stops working with Alzheimer's disease.They have shown that a toxic protein discovered in the brains of people with Alzheimer's stir of nerve cell insulin receptors, returning to those insulin resistant neurons.
With other studies that show that insulin levels in the brain and their related receptors are lower in people with Alzheimer's, this new study sheds light on an idea that is gaining strength that Alzheimer's is a “type 3” of diabetes.
For the brain, insulin and insulin receptors are vital when learning and handling memory.When insulin joins a receiver in the synapse, a necessary mechanism is lit so that nerve cells survive and form memories.
This would be very good news because of the fact that it could now be tested from using existing drugs to treat patients with diabetes, who could help protect neurons from individuals with Alzheimer's.