The Competition Directorate of the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) has initiated a sanctioning file against Abbot Laboratories, S. A., Johnson & AMP;Johnson S. A., Menarini Diagnosticos, S. A., Roch, Bayer Hispania, and the Spanish Federation of Health Technology Companies (FENIN) for possible information exchanges and agreements for pricing and other commercial conditions in the distribution and sale of reactive strips for reactive strips forThe determination of blood blood glucose.
These practices would have been carried out within the framework of the concerts signed in different autonomous communities for the supply of reactive strips as well as the direct purchase made by public hospitals and the participation in public tenders convened by different hospitals and health agencies ofdifferent autonomous communities.
The investigation originates from a complaint filed with the CNMC.As a result of the inspections carried out during July 8, 9 and 10, 2014 at the headquarters of different companies, the Competition Directorate observed rational indications of the existence of behaviors prohibited by Law 15/2007, of 3 of 3 ofJulio, Defense of Competition (LDC).
Thus, he agreed to initiate a sanctioning file for restrictive practices of prohibited competition.The initiation of this file does not prejudge the final result of the investigation, as it clarified yesterday competition.