The PSOE will lead to the regional Parliament questions for its oral and written response about the minor with type 1 diabetes of changer that remains without schooling because of the absence in its center of an ATS to monitor it and pay attention to it, as recommended by medical reports of the Galego de Saúde Servizo(Sergas).The socialists will ask the Galician government if you know the case, if there are similar situations or how they have been treated so far.
The student, a under six -year -old under school at Cambrés Portofaro by the Department of Education, has not been incorporated into classes this course, in which the mandatory education stage begins, since parents see risk in which they remain withoutThe care prescribed by doctors and that the Xunta offered in 2012, as stated in a sentence of the Superior Court of Xustiza de Galicia.
The PSOE will reproach the Xunta that its management "seriously threatens the schooling of children with special needs" and that "families are forced to choose between schooling the child with serious risk to their health for not having precise care or servinghealth care, renouncing schooling. "The socialist initiative adds to that of the BNG, which will also ask for the case in the Galician Parliament.
The City Council received the family yesterday and insisted that it has no competitions, the parents said.