{'en': 'Is there any type 1 diabetic living alone?', 'es': '¿hay algún diabetico tipo 1 viviendo solo?'} Image

Is there any type 1 diabetic living alone?

10/16/2011 1:07 p.m.

I have lived with the boyfriend for two years, and the truth is that you live with him the measures of the meals, they are better, since as I cook, I do the portions and I do it in my way.Ask would be more for him, because he did have worse at the beginning, always aware of me and with the first day he has been interested in the disease, he wanted to know everything, and we have been learning both together.
It is true, that at night it was a little worse, because that is when I had the descent, but immediately woke up and gave me something to drink or eat, and we were talking, at the many of the night, I eating and theNext to me, until I was better and we continued sleeping.Later, I disgusted that with a sugar at the bedside table, I didn't have to bother him.: D

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Cristina Serrano
11/29/2016 4:32 p.m.

I live alone and take it wonderfully.
Ultima glucosilada 6.1 and almost no hypos.
35 years with diabetes

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11/29/2016 5:44 p.m.

You give me envy those who have the diabetes so controlled, mine is an lackbit...

In my case I do not live alone now, I share a flat with some colleagues but we are going as if I live because they are going to theirs.And they are giving me hypoglycemia at night that I do not find out, although I normally awakeThat is when I sleep eight hours, if I sleep less, it doesn't get so much.The truth is that it is a luxury that you wake up when you have hypoglycemia, I have always slept from the pull and I do not find out!

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11/29/2016 5:44 p.m.

You give me envy those who have the diabetes so controlled, mine is an lackbit...

In my case I do not live alone now, I share a flat with some colleagues but we are going as if I live because they are going to theirs.And they are giving me hypoglycemia at night that I do not find out, although I normally awakeThat is when I sleep eight hours, if I sleep less, it doesn't get so much.The truth is that it is a luxury that you wake up when you have hypoglycemia, I have always slept from the pull and I do not find out!

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11/30/2016 2:22 p.m.

I only alone, although my partner stays to sleep a lot.
I am lucky to wake up with the hypos, I wake up sweating with a terrible heat, and I have the zumito/cocacola/caramelos always on the bedside table.Although I have ever had that I got up in the morning in 60 or 50 and much, and I was so normal, I suppose it depends on whether it goes down very quickly or little by little ...

DM tipo 1 desde Junio 2016 - Novorapid y Toujeo.
HbA1c: 6,2 // 30 añazos
Échale un ojo a mi web de ilustraciones sobre diabetes!: https://www.facebook.com/diabetesatiras/

11/30/2016 4:08 p.m.

I have been living with my partner for almost a year but before that I have been living alone for 5 years.

DM1 desde 1990 - Fiasp y Toujeo - HG: 6,1

12/01/2016 2:11 a.m.

I also live alone for about 10 years ..

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Maria elena
08/27/2017 9:52 p.m.

I live alone with my children, who incidentally worries little haha, and spend seasons with their father, with which I am a lot of time, but I have no problems.

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09/04/2017 1:36 a.m.

I live alone and in a year I have had to call 112 a couple of times, the last one for a gastroenteritis or a digestion cut (they did not know how to tell me) that it caused me a hicf that without being severe there was no way to go back.The only thing that I try to be "prudent" and not risk with low levels in case the flies ....

Pancreatectomía total el 15 de junio 2016.
Novorápid 4/5-2,5/3-0/2 de momento...
Toujeo 23 a las 18,00 (variando continuamente)
calculando raciones a ver si me toca una bomba...

09/20/2017 2:28 a.m.

@"Anna4" I used to spend those cases, and I still do it but I realize fast and change of pen xD

Diabético Tipo 1 desde 2007
Apidra y Lantus (plumas)
HbA1c: 6.4% (dic. 2017) - 5.9 (mar. 2018)

09/20/2017 2:29 a.m.

@"David29" Hahaha tbn I usually empty the fridge or whatever there is to rise

Diabético Tipo 1 desde 2007
Apidra y Lantus (plumas)
HbA1c: 6.4% (dic. 2017) - 5.9 (mar. 2018)

09/23/2017 12:28 a.m.

Good, I am 30 years old and I live alone, although 1 month ago I start with the insulins, I carry it quite well.The first day I slept alone in the apartment I was very afraid, I called several friends, my mother and even my psychology.I have not had any problems, but in case the doubts always measure me before sleeping and at 3 in the morning.

Diabetes descubierta desde agosto 2017
Lantus 26
Apidra según cantidad de carbohidratos

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