It is not yet known what is the inheritance pattern of type 1 diabetes although it is known that it is associated with the DR and DQ genes of the histocompatibility system.
Although there is a certain genetic factor that predisposes to diabetes, other factors have to be given for it to be triggered (environmental factors, viruses ...) proof of this is that in cases of diabetes in twins (exactly the same genetic information), the two brothers will not necessarily have diabetes although the probability that the brother who does not have it ends up developing it increases.
According to a study by the Joslin Clinic, the chances of developing diabetes when another family has them are the following:
- Immediate familiar (father, brother, child) has diabetes, the possibilities of developing diabetes increase between 10 and 20% (depending on the degree of kinship) with respect to a person who does not have this factor.
- If a girl develops type 1 diabetes, her brothers increase their possibilities by 10%.
- If parents are diabetic: diabetic father, the risk of developing diabetes for the child is 10% (as if their brother), if the mother is the risk ranges between 1 and 4% depending on the age ofThe mother when the child is born.It will also depend on the age of these parents when they developed diabetes.& lt; 11 years High risk, & GT; 11 years lower risk.
On the other hand, someone's predisposition to have diabetes can be prevented to some extent due to the presence or absence of autoantibodies (antibodies that destroy B cells).Now, today and knowing that type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented even if you detect these antibodies in time, I as a diabetics, I do not know if I would like to know and live always thinking that your child has x % of being diabetic or lettingevents as they want to come and work accordingly.
As you can see, apart from the genetic predisposition that exists is a lottery and in my opinion you can not be conditioning the decision to have children or that 10% probabilities.There are many other diseases in the world who, without having a history and by pure lottery they can also touch anyone and do not consider the fact of whether or not you have children, or live waiting for your child to develop any of them, although that as all is a decision of each one.
If you want more information you can find it in .
I hope the information serves you and you know if you have more doubts ask :)