In one of the comments here in the forum I have discovered something that has brought my head enough because of pure unknown food and that I had never heard: Lada diabetes and diabetes Modly. What milk is this?Could you explain something more secilla your characteristics? I looked on the Internet and I have looked more because I know there has always been type 1 and 2;And above the MODY there are at least 5 subtypes !!! This is the desire of those who study the disease of getting tonging everything even more I think, or that they discover more things that they believed they already knew and it is not so.This has made me think about possible diagnostic failures and other potential errors. In short, go mess.
Diabetes 1.5 or Diabetes Lada, is one of the names that are being used for those cases of adult patients who are diagnosed with diabetes and do not require the principle of insulin for treatment and generally have no overweight and do not have or do not have orThey have very little insulin resistance.