Hi Hansolo ... Well, don't you feel it :) That the dexcom hurts and having to pay it, but for what I know, and first hand - they are already trying it in some clinic - it will not exceed or far awayTo Dexcom, not only will not be overcome, but for certain people, as is my case, it does not work.
It is not continuous measurement, it will not give you alarms, nor will it make a real trend.It simply makes you "assumptions", with the measurements that you take (passing the receiver, which in principle apparently in the instructions, has it, not all mobiles support NFC, but without a doubt, it is an advantage to have a receiver, small thatYes), that is, it will be more comfortable than taking the capillary measurement, but it contributes nothing.
To give you an example ... you are going to sleep and it will not wake you if you get off x level ... at night you are sold, or do anything.With the values that he will take, he will make "hypothetical" trends, but only hypothetical until you corroborates it with another measurement and there you may correct a climbing trend to a descent.
Of course, if you are passing the mobile every 5 minutes you can have a "real" trend (that is what they call continuous measurement), but who will do it?And we continue without alarms.
No, this system will only allow the SS to save money to those who give us 300 euros in strips, because for what they have told me, the estimated cost will be 100 euros per month (I do not know right now if I understood that this is the priceto pay per person, or the cost that the SS will assume).
The glycotrack is really not continuous measurement, of course ... not even the Abott flash to which I referred to.For me the continuous measurement is:
-Continua and automatic
-If it is manual, it is no longer continuous
-Real -time alarms.
The other is semi-continuous measurement if you want to call it that, or how it is spoken here and in other countries, the "continuous low cost measurement", but continuously has nothing ...
Right now, for Dexcom or Medtronic users, none of this will suppose any improvement, which is not economical ... are steps back.Go ahead if the SS finances them, but in result ... they are committing in the low cost, the very short term ... and products according to that.But the "good" are already.Honestly, if the Dexcom was paid by the SS, to "low cost", none of these systems - under my view - would paint anything.
Ahhh, another abott defect that has not confirmed me, but I imagine ... rigid needle stuck.In this, the standard is the "thread" of the Dexcom, the best without a doubt, you do not find out or bother you even if you give you a blow to the area.It is as if you had an installed "hair".
The idea is good if it is "free" ... that is, and this is an assumption, I do have to pay 100 euros a month for the Abott or 250 a month for the Dexcom ... Well, the Abott seems to me "Carillo"(I also have to suffer a stuck sensor, I have to pay monthly -menos- but it does not allow me the quality of life that the MCG gives, nor the peace of mind that the alarm jumps at night - I jump almost all - orDoing anything, I do not see that it provides as much freedom as the real MCG, you simply save the puncture of the strip ... the graphs we see, I insist are "historical", as if you made it yourself with pencil and paper with values with valuesTaken from the strips, they are not "future" such as Dexcom, or trends.
Ahhh, and we forget the trends ... the arrows ... of that, nothing at all.That said, graph of what you have "measured" and ... nothing more.
But it seems to me a good advance of course, but if they promise ... for me, I insist, it does not work, it does not provide me with anything new and I lose the MCG.