The educator profession in diabetes does not exist.
At least it is not regulated as such.There is no specific curricular design that marks the conditions of access to a hypothetical degree.
As Gondullo says, in the educator post (they are almost always women ... That is why in the survey I put it in female;)), who have more points in the internal transfers of nursing personnel and are interested in the day (usuallyfixed mornings) or do not want to be in plants or other "uncomfortable" services.
Then they are forming, specializing and going to courses, days, etc.
It is almost always like that, they first reach endocrinology and then form ... as the vast majority of ATSDUE.
In the last review/creation of ATS-DUE specialties carried out by the Ministry, it was not considered convenient to create the specialty of Diabetes Educator, I believe that not even chronic patients. List a historical opportunity to adapt to reality.
With the Bologna roll there was an adaptation to the degree;more info:
The desperate attempts of the collective, Feaed: Spanish Federation Educating Associations in Diabetes: http: //www.observatoriodeladiscapidad ... N-Diabetes >
"They died" 2 or 3 years ago.
ENFEDEC: Link He resumed the initiative with the only courses in Spain, more or less regulated.
After the extinction of the Feaed, or perhaps before, "the Fed also died" also the Spanish Diabetes Federation, which grouped endocrine, educators and patients.
These movements, together with an opening and opportunist policy of thirst, promoted that many of the nurses who work in these functions would be associated with thirst.
Some of them can be seen in this link: Link 12 & AMP; IMENU = 4
This group has promoted that at the present time the issuance of a curricular design that delimits functions, access, training, etc. of the specialty is being studied.
And in it they are for a year and peak ... Theoretically they should have published it.
Matizo that ASDUEs, in their vast majority compatible with diabetological education with care tasks: from blood extractions, glycemia curves, spirometry, control weight control etc. until citations and consultation pass/visit next to the endocrine.
I have already said it other times, but I would bet half a boat of reactive strips so that full -time educators there are not even 50 throughout Spain, being generous.
An article that answers much better than me to the tica question: Link ... tes-qu-ten >>>
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