I am new in the forum and I have a question in relation to the copayment, I am sure you can guide me.
My partner is a patient with type 2 diabetes, Dianben and Tesavel currently have given her recipes, so the doubt in relation to the copayment has emerged.We have read the RD and its annex in which the excellent copayment medications are listed or with a 10% copay% or will be according to rent.
If any of you could guide us a little, we would be very grateful.
As you comment, we have looked at the recipe and the payment number that it relates is for the rental of it we are a bit "out of" but as you say it, we understand that it is a medication of chronic ailment, in any case in the afternoon in the afternoon as soon asLet's go to the pharmacy everything will be confirmed, we hope it is as you indicate it and as we understand.