here are some tips for when you have to travel ...
Traveling, whether for work or pleasure reasons, is always an activity at the same time exciting and relaxing.Traveling with diabetes is also, it is only necessary to plan the trip taking into account some particularities and follow some recommendations while the trip lasts and at the end of it.If a series of standards and advice are taken into account, the person with diabetes will enjoy their trips without repercussion for their health and maintaining diabetes under control.
before the trip
Medical Consultation
Before the trip consult your medical team.They will tell you that precautions must have and how to adjust your treatment pattern.
In some cases, they may also recommend a medical center or a specialist in the destination, where it can be directed if problems arise.
If necessary, in addition, they will write a medical report specified by the type of diabetes that you suffer, the usual treatment you need, as well as the material you need to carry with you.This report will be useful if it requires health care in the place of destination and also at airports, to be able to access the plane with all the necessary material, without problems in security controls.It is also good to carry a medical identification bracelet or collar that indicates that you suffer from diabetes.
destination place
It is necessary to inform yourself of the country's health coverage, as well as the availability of the medicines you usually use.In the countries of the European Union there are assistance agreements, but it is necessary to present the health card.
It is good that you know the commercial names and presentations that medications have in the destination.As for insulin, if you use vials and syringes, make sure that the concentration of insulin is 100 units/ml and that the syringes are graduated for that concentration.You can get all this information by contacting the IDF (International Diabetes Federation; ).
vaccination and prophylaxis
Diabetes In principle does not contraindicates any vaccination or chemoprophylaxis.However, it is good to consult previously to your doctor and vaccinate at least 1 month before the scheduled trip.Thus, adverse effects appear or temporarily altering its glycemic control, it can be remedied before embarking on the trip.
More information about vaccines and chemoprophylaxis of malaria
Time difference
On long distance trips, especially by plane, food and treatment should be adapted to the time difference that occurs.
Thus, if traveling to the west they earn hours so it can be necessary to admit an insulin dose and an intake.
In trips east, hours are lost, so it may be necessary to ignore an insulin dose and an intake.In general, treatment with oral hypoglycemicia can be kept unchanged, but always after consulting with your usual doctor.
Material conservation
If we expect very high temperatures at the destination, it is good to take a small portable fridge to properly preserve insulin.
If not, the pen in use does not need a refrigerator for periods below 1 month, although it should not undergo sunlight directly.Glucagon must also be refrigerated.Avoid subjecting your glucose meter strips at high temperatures, moisture or direct sun.Oral drugs should also be stored in a fresh and dry place.
necessary documentation
As we have said before, it is necessary to carry some type of identification orDocument where you are noticed that you suffer from diabetes.Also a report by your doctor specifying the usual treatment and other considerations that may be of importance, such as the material that should always carry, as well as the health card or card.