hello everyone ! If you are diabetic and on the honeymoon everything is going well and not foolish insulin since when your pancreas stop working and need more insulnia and there is any change in respect symptoms, pain or notes that your body has changed? greetings !
I have DBT since the age of 19, now I am 59 years old, when I was diagnosed with diabetes I spent a few months with insulin, the doses were lowered until I stopped putting it on, I was almost 5 years without insu, it is not usual to spend so much time, each organism acts fromA different way, I had to put the pregnant woman insu.When you need to put insu again, your body will notify you with the 3 p: polyuria, polyphia and weight loss, in addition to hemoglobin.All the best
You will have the same symptoms as when you debuted.As @Ana55Maria says you will be very thirsty, you will urinate more frequently, you will be hungry, you will feel tired ...
Hello by Neuvo! On December 9, 2013, I was diagnosed with types of type 1. During 3-4 I put me insulin fast every meal about 5-7 u of novorapid and 16u of slow lightI took out all the carbohydrates of the diet and doing gym and everything has fuomenal.I know if it is because of the heat or for something else but I have not gone down or anything I feel good. Thank you all for all the support!