Myths and truths of artificial sweeteners!This could also be called this issue that, I think has not been touched with enough knowledge.Like many consumer regulars of these overflows, I am totally uninformed, and it is time for someone to take this issue for the horns! I open with the following question: Artificial sweeteners are expelled through the urine without suffering any alteration of their chemical composition.(According to what the edulcorants brands that I find) say.Then, it means that they sweeten the urine, as well as sugar in diabetics.Being able to give a false positive to the taste test.
True or false?
No one has answered this question.The search takes me to pages where they explain that sweet urine is symptom of honey diabetes, and later talk that sweeteners are totally expelled without suffering any alteration. But they never talk about sweet urine due to the consumption of sweeteners.
On whether sweeping, urine becomes a sweet taste, at least, I cannot answer, however, I am convinced that it does not affect urine glucose tests, which are made with reactive strips and that serve to determine adiabetes.
If someone can provide more data, here I leave it.;-)
Julio, as Fer says, the consumption of sweeteners does not produce diabetes or affects glucose tests, which they detect in the urine is glucose and not sweeteners.