I have been poor health for some more than 7 months ago, I started a gluten -free diet and I have improved a lot, so despite not having a diagnosis of Celiaquia, just because of the results of the diet, I am completely sure thatI am celiac.
The fact is that there is more, and since I did not just find myself well, I went to do some blood and urine analysis, super complete, I suspected some kind of anemia, more than anything because of fatigue and paleness, but for meSurprise, in that aspect everything is fine.
I have also been good for all related to liver and kidneys, which was what worried me most, also the thyroid is fine, all this rules out that fatigue comes due to thyroid problems, anemias or liver disorders.
And now the surprise comes, I have left the cholesterol super high (306), and the blood glucose comes out to 122, which is prediabetes.Glycosylated HB comes to 5.9%, which is also a pre-diabetes indicator.
The fact is that I have no overweight, weight 67 kilos and measure 1.74cm, I bone a weight more than perfect and I don't wear a messy diet, although I have ever allowed some whims such as chocolate poles, icy cake and some thingsMore sweet foods.
On the other hand, for a long time, as 8-9 months I gave me to measure glycemia at home, with one of these apparatus, specifically the One Touch, and on an emptynoMeasure it, and well, now, I don't know why glycemia is so shot, if it is true that in the root of improving my digestive problems when making gluten -free diet, I started eating more.
I don't know if such high cholesterol has some relationship with hyperglycemia, and how to guide the theme of this pre-diabetic glycemia.
For now what I have done is ask me online, a 50 -strips boat to measure glycemia with the One Touch, and I have also bought the Accutrend Plus to measure cholesterol at home.
As for the diet, I will be very restrictive with the sweet things, that includes the fruit, because lately I gave me a lot of fruit, apples, pears, bananas and tangerines, and after a few days I began to feel worse, for what I have left it, the same thing happened to me a long time when it gave me to make natural juices of fruits, homemade with the glass blender, after one week I began to put it worse.
Any advice on how to guide pre-diabetes?
Is advisable to go to the doctor?
Are anyone in this situation today, what are you doing about it?
As soon as you have the glycemia strips, in addition to measuring ease glycemia, I also want to control postprandial blood glucose, record everything daily on a spreadsheet and see how it evolves with the diet.
I just read that vitamin D can be important to improve blood glucose in cases of prediabetes, I don't know what is true in this.