The Head of the Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Unit of the Zaragoza Quirón Hospital, Jorge Solano, has reached the “Diabetes Surgery” number 180, an operation that has been demolished in 81 percent of the underlined cases.

After analyzing all these cases, 81.1 percent of people who have undergone diabetes surgery have managed to control the disease and optimize their life excellence, according to the results of the analysis.It is the study with the highest number of cases finished in Spain, a total of 180 operations since the first operation was successfully executed in February 2010, as have noticed from the Quirón Group.

Of the 180 patients, 146 have managed to control diabetes and do not need any type of treatment, and 18 percent remain only with pills, exclusively two cases require insulin at doses enormously lower than those anticipated to the operation.Analyzing something else, Dr. Solano has appealed to prudence and has reviewed that "until ten years have passed with the maintenance of these notes, it will not be obtained by talking about healing the disease."

He has added that “only type 2 diabetics, that is, to which the disease of adulthood appears due to insulin malfunction, they can undergo this type of surgery.At the same time they have to gather another series of specifications, such as having real overweight (body mass index of between 30 and 35) , since with the operation they are lost between seven and ten kilos. ”

They must also be poorly controlled diabetes cases, with glycosylated hemoglobin of more than 6.5 and with pancreatic reserve .This type of requirements are met by most type 2 diabetics in our country.

Quirón Zaragoza is the hospital medium that leads the surgical treatment of type 2 diabetes, with the largest number of interventions executed in the country.

Improvement of the quality of life

After the operation, 62 percent of patients have eliminated arterial hypertension, 72 percent hypertriglyceridemia and 98 percent hypercholesterolemia, which contributes to reducing vascular tangles derived from diabetes, such asMyocardial infarction and blindness retinopathy, a pathology that stabilizes in some cases in some cases.

Other tangles that can decrease are intellect-vascular accidents and nephropathy that can end in dialysis or artificial kidney.At the same time, in too many cases erectile dysfunction is resolved.As the head of the Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Unit of the Zaragoza Quirón Hospital, "the improvement of life excellence wishes to say a great turn for patients in just two months after the operation."

Dr. Solano has highlighted the importance of these figures and improvements taking into account that "the tangles associated with diabetes wishes to say that the life of these patients is shortened ten years in connection with a non -diabetic person."

In addition, it has stressed “the incidence of diabetes, which has gone from affecting five percent of citizenship to about 15 percent, and which, at the same time to worsen the life excellence of those who suffer it, are patientsthat need high hospital demand, so he wishes to say a high payment in terms of money. ”


Diabetes affects about five million Spaniards and it is estimated that 80 or 90 percent of all these suffer from type 2 diabetes. So in Spain there are about three million people likely to be operated on diabetes surgery.

The operation lies in executing a ‘By-Pass’ in the intestine so that the food does not pass through the part of this organ that stimulates the hormones that cause the level ofBlood sugar when the food arrived there.

The stomach size is also decreased, despite that in a few weeks it expands and recovers a size practically equal to the one before the operation."In case of being unavoidable, the operation is reversible in a simple way," said the specialist.

The operation lasts usual little than an hour and is done by laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgery.Subsequently, the patient passes without deviations to the plant and receives discharge in 48 hours if he lives shortly after an hour from the hospital, or at 72 hours, if he lives more than an hour.

The postoperative period needs liquid diet for five days, crushed another five, soft 15 days, and between the 21st and 23 of the operation the patient can return to the normal diet.The labor high is received between one and three weeks.Subsequently, periodic controls are executed.

Source: Terra