My father is 84 years old.He was diagnosed with type II diabetes ten, approximately.It has been insulin for three months, in addition to the pills.Until then I was not doing any type of diet and exercise very little.It has some overweight (fat at the waist).
Two and a half months ago he had a stroke that he is still recovering.Physically it is better: he recovered left arm and leg movement, although not quite in his face and has to take care when swallowing and sometimes he is not understood well when he speaks.
I ask my doubts here because my father never lets us go to the endocrine and for him "everything is fine" ... I will try to go with him the next visit (October) and also to that of the neurologist (end of September), but whileSo much, now that I am helping him (in what is left), and controlling the diet, there are things that I am not very clear:
1) A sugar control is done in the morning, then the insulin is put on and, on an empty stomach, it will walk (it is not that it walks a lot, it goes slowly and it will be about 300 meters. It is accompanied by my mother, 81years).Is it dangerous?Should he eat at least one piece of fruit before leaving?
2) The glucose of after eating is not measured for a long time.The one in the morning on an empty stomach is within the limits that the neurologist told him after the stroke (90-180), in 110, more or less.Should I insist that measure 2 hours after eating?
3) It is with a hypocaloric diet (of 1,500 cal.) And hyposodic (it has the high tension, in treatment).I do not know if the lack of energy and the dream (it sleeps 7-8 hours at night, and 2 of nap, sometimes, after the morning walk, 2 hours) are still normal sequelae of the stroke or if you are eating too little.
Thanks in advance to whom you can lend me a hand.And also forgive in advance if these issues were already discussed here, but I have taken a quick look at the questions and I see that many are about DB type I ...