Poison additives.

Consu's profile photo   07/06/2011 8:34 a.m.

I am worried, I have investigated them.Yesterday in the Super I saw that the laits drinks, all, carry aspartamo, cyclamato, I do not say marks.Now I understand why my children are so addicted.
I have decided to make my particular war and not buy anything Lait.Since these sweeteners are murderers and allowed in Spain, in other countries are prohibited.
We are at risk not being able to eat sugar at least in quantity, and those who make diets to lose weight, or sick people, etc., since we have no choice but to consume them.
I will dedicate myself to seeking natural sweeteners that sell here in Spain, there are.For example: taumatin, neohesperidine, monetary, hemandulcin, steviód (Stevia, is the only one I know), brazein.They are made of fruits.
I ask you to report online, you will stand up just like me. They are putting us poisonly, with so much additive.
I have already talked about this before, yes, I'm heavy, I'm sorry.But the more the voice runs, the better, and I trust that they become aware and not experience the weak.
Infinite greetings.:)

Consu's profile photo
07/06/2011 8:34 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Josep Pamíes, the Payés de L´estevia, great defender of the legalization of Stevia, prohibited until recently for being a threat of other great patented synthetic sweeteners that give great benefits, aspartamo, saccharin .... the stevia beingA plant cannot be patented and anyone can devote itself to its cultivation and marketing.

JoseManuel's profile photo
07/06/2011 11:38 a.m.
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All my saccharins carry aspartamoooo !!!!had I heard something from Stevia flower that ... can't we get that plant in Spain ???

roxio89's profile photo
07/06/2011 2:45 p.m.
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Roxio89 The saccharin does not have aspartam

Sarrin is already a sweetener in itself, it does not need to mix with anything to be, the aspartamo is another sweetener in case only it does not need to mix with anything to be.


Sacarin (E954) is a synthetic product.It is between 300 and 500 times sweeter than sugar and does not contain energy.It gives a slight metallic flavor when it is heated above 70º C (158º F) and therefore, it should only be added after cooking.

Pag. 290

Come on ... that it is not thermor resistant and that (personal opinion) has a metallic flavor, it is reached or does not reach that temperature.If you know a product where saccharin and aspartamo you could say the name or brand, do not be bad the issue of mixing (it does not have it) if not simply to know.


consu"They poison us" "they fluorate to the water to leave us sterile" "Welcome to the ship of the mystery" ... I think that this last sentence was not going here:-/).

The amounts that must be ingested from the majorAlways well below them.


The aspartamo (E951) is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and is used in very small amounts that its caloric content is insignificant.Cooking or baked can make it lose sweeping power.

(This does not come in the book, this is mine: Be careful with the syllogisms of the style "if it is natural, if it is synthetic it is bad", there are some examples that throw your stalls down).

The aspartamo is composed of two amino acids called Aspartic and Methyl-Sterm of Phenylalanine. amino acids and their methyl esters are found naturally in proteins of different foods such as milk, meat, fruit and vegetables.Once digested, the organism uses the amino acids of the aspartam in the same way that it does with the amino acids that come from the proteins present in the usual food.


There are many myths on the aspartamo that scare people with diabetes and others who use dietary drinks.Actually, Aspartamo has been widely studied in humans.Its safety has been well established and it has been shown that its use in meals or drinks is not associated with any adverse effect.A glass of approximately 240 ml (8 ounces) of milk has 6 times more phenylalanine and 13 times more aspartic acid than an equivalent amount of sweetened soda with nutrasweet.A glass of fruit or tomato juice contains between 3 and 5 times more methanol than an equivalent amount of sweetened soda with nutrasweet.

(This does not come in the book, this is mine: Nutrasweet is the commercial name of a sweetener who is Aspartamo).

Pag. 289 and 290

In the book come more things about Aspartamo and on other sweeteners, highly recommended the book not only for the chapter of the sweeteners, for all their chapters.

Consu then now with this information that I just wrote, what do we do?Do we stop consumingmilk ?Do we stop consuming juices?Do we stop consuming meats?because you see ... are natural products in which the same amino acids are found as the aspartamNatural products are also right?: Oops:

With cyclamate I could make another identical replica to that of Aspartamo or even better.

Be careful with demagogy and conspiracy theories.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/06/2011 4:39 p.m.
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I have not expressed myself well ... is that I tell any sweetener ... by habit or whatever ..: D

roxio89's profile photo
07/06/2011 6:15 p.m.
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I think TNT is very right.

If one is well informed, it can easily be concluded that sweeteners are not harmful to health as long as their consumption is not excessive.

Everything else, are "conspiroanoias" probably created by the sugar industry that once believed that it was going to lose a lot of money for the departure of these new products.And also created by people who like to touch narcies and create social fears than anything else ...
Like the poison in the cans of the cocacola, the cancer tampax, the lipsticks with not that poisonous substance, ah!And all those missing girls who appear if you forward the mail to all your contacts ...

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/07/2011 4:29 a.m.
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All these conspiracy theories about the evils of the sweeteners give me laugh, because if we start analyzing all the foods we consume, you should eliminate from your diet absolutely everything you eat;Vegetables and fruits with chemical and fertilizers ... Handling meats to improve its texture and flavor ... fish with all possible heavy metals ... manufactured products that integrate all kinds of additives to improve flavor, appearance, texture ...in the end.Tell me a product that is absolutely clean.There is no.Or at least you do not have enough to make a healthy diet with them.

I am clear that the current hypertecnified food is not entirely healthy.And it is partially guilty that we have certain diseases and health problems.But honestly, we cannot avoid it.

And I agree to criticize only this or that product is absolutely interested.Because who begins that debate and that criticism also has much to say about their products.Here nobody is saved.

Conclusion;Eat everything, and try to make a healthy diet.Or at least what theoretically is considered healthy.And forget all that roll that if in such a product there is neohesperidine or in that glutamate, or in the beyond traces of mercury and cadmium.Because you end up going crazy.

HanSolo's profile photo
07/07/2011 6:48 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Thank you for answering, everything you say serves to calm down a little.But I continue with my thirteen.Agree that the amount they put to all products is minimal, but we eat everything with sweeteners, therefore we should look how sweetened we take up, milk, muffins, soft drinks, gum, caramelos, coffee, yogurts,cookies, etc., surely we consume more than we should, in sweeteners.That is my concern.If everything we eat has sweeteners, or dyes, etc., that should not be good at all.There are studies done, and as I said, some countries are prohibited, some additives.I see that it is easier to look the other way, or take away importance.
At least I would say we don't consummate so because it would.Actually, "if" we can avoid it.I am finishing the saccharin and cyclamate boat of the Mercadona, and I alternate it with Stevia powder, which I put in yogurt, milk, I don't like coffee, I don't like it much, but I will make an effort and I will get used to it.I also have it in drops.I have even had pots, and in the end I threw the leaves.The tagatose, who make it of milk, I have read that it is good too.
I do not propaganda, I swear.I've been trying to get used to Stevia for a year, but I don't get it.Little by little.
Each one who does what he thinks is convenient.I see is a conspiracy, benefits at our expense and that play with our health.:-/ A hug and attack

Consu's profile photo
07/07/2011 9:13 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Consu, to the elderly just tell you, that maybe you are taking too many foods "without sugar", without need ...
From what I see you are DMI, if you were DM2 I would not tell you because in that case it is more correct to avoid sugar.

But when you buy something "without sugars" check on the label with another with sugars that really compensate you "without", many times the hydrates are the same or very similar, or even those who do not have sugars can have more fats.And in the same way you will do now, you will only have to adjust your insulin dose.Of course, you will have to take into account the calories you eat if you have problems with weight.

The fact that diabetics (type 1) cannot take sugar, seems to me something that has been a bit outdated and gradually will become urban legend too ...

I without sugars, I only take the jam (because when I take it normal if it breaks my glucose) and chocolate, and saccharin only done to the chamomile and if I take a yogurt (which sometimes I echoed liquid sweetener and other jam without), And it does not seem to me to be so much sweetener.And very occasionally tb some cocacola Zero.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/07/2011 9:25 a.m.
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Hello Neihs and everyone.No, I am not one of those who like without, sugar.I have been alternating.When I have a downturn, I take advantage and as sweet.For breakfast like my two muffins with sugar, and milk alone with nothing.The bad is coffee, I put the jacket, because it is only impossible to drink it and take three a day.Today I will try to put Stevia, but it gives me repelús.
The truth is that I have proposed this issue to make us think, investigate, and thinking about others.Greetings :))

Consu's profile photo
07/07/2011 9:48 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


The theme of the sweeteners looks like mushrooms ........... are toxic.Of course, such a number of mushrooms should be eaten that I think we die before by stomach explosion that for toxins ...

Anything in excess is bad ... and in moderation, almost none ... except cyanides, palitoxins, etc ... that still with much moderation are nothing good: mrgreen:

What should be punishable with jail is the great marketing of "without sugars (added)" that they put in many products, and that makes our mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandparents ... believe they are buying a product of whathealthier and that will not harm his DM2 .... that, for me, if it is a crime.

Nacho_71's profile photo
07/07/2011 10:46 a.m.
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I do not think we have to worry so much about additives (which I certainly do not think it is more dangerous than living in a city with a lot of traffic, or weighing 5 kg more than we should ...) I think we have enough trying to have the glucoseThe closest to normal values ​​to worry if saccharin is poison or if insulin is carcinogenic (I leave another topic for those who want to investigate: P)

tica's profile photo
07/07/2011 10:52 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


I don't see conspiracy, what I see is, benefits at our expense and that play with our health.:-/

In my town this is called contradiction.

I do not propaganda, I swear.I've been trying to get used to Stevia for a year, but I don't get it.Little by little.

Another contradiction, maybe you don't see it but you are spreading from the Stevia.

You speak evil of sweeteners such as aspartamo or cyclamate without any data or foundation and you speak well of sweeteners such as the tagatose or the stevia (also without any data or foundation) when you can find favorable things and unfavorable things, however you decide happily.Propagar conspiracy theories against the first two: "Aspartamo and cyclamate are bad ..." "They poison us ..." "They earn money to our coast ..." "That each one does what they consider appropriate ..I continue in my thirteen ... "

The Run Run in the background is still "the natural is good, the synthetic is bad."Who has told you that the tagatosa or the stevia that reaches your hands is natural?Do you plants the Stevia seeds yourself in your particular garden?If so ... those seeds that you use in your particular garden are natural or are manipulated (transgenic) seeds?Do you personally inspect each and every intermediate processes?

I love to meet someone who has a more or less hypochondriac behavior like yours, there is always something to worry about ... Well, we are going to "feed" those concerns that you like so much and in view that you speak positively about Stevia(Without any fact or foundation) when there is, as with any product, information for and against it we go with it:

  • Stevia has been prohibited for years in many countries, the prohibition in Europe has risen as who says four days ago (but to help the negative conspiracy theories against Stevia now it's time to finish the phrase with something like) butStatus prohibited by something will be ... (important to finish the phrase with suspensive points to let the reader's imagination fly, also note the use of majority to penetrate the collective subconscious).

  • One puts in a search engine "Stevia contraindications" "Stevia prohibition" or similar can be found theories of all kinds, including:

    -"Evidence of genotoxicity (for example, is able to change genetic information) in some of the Stevia components."

    -"Stevia and sterility: the Guaraní indigenous people of this area of ​​Paraguay as in southern Brazil use" ka'a he'ê "(" sweet sheet "), as it is called in Guaraní, from hundreds of years as an edulcorant in theirYerba mate, and in several tribes the use of this plant was reported in the control of women's fertility, applying concentrated infusions of Stevia for prolonged times. "

  • I do not know ... all these things give to think ... (important to use many suspensive points, that the reader lets his imagination fly).

    Then to the "light" of the new "data" What will we do now?You come talking about a product and someone goes and find negative data ... Are you going to continue using Stevia after all these "evidence"?Are you going to continue recommending Stevia?: Oops:

    Post data: That it is recorded that it has only been an example and that the example I just made with the stevia can be done with any product, anyone! It is just to put a name and "contraindications" or "prohibition" and one and oneFind that and more.

    Post data 2: That no one takes seriously any of the nonsense of this post.

    DiabetesForo's profile photo
    07/07/2011 8:34 p.m.
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    I don't know what to think ........................... and I prefer not to comment ... hehey
    what polemicaa !!!

    roxio89's profile photo
    07/08/2011 6:15 a.m.
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    In my town this is called contradiction.

    I do not propaganda, I swear.I've been trying to get used to Stevia for a year, but I don't get it.Little by little.

    Another contradiction, maybe you don't see it but you are spreading from the Stevia.

    Of course, propaganda of a plant, stevia, licorice, pepperm ... not of a patented commercial product !!!

    You speak evil of sweeteners such as aspartamo or cyclamate without any data or foundation and you speak well of sweeteners such as the tagatose or the stevia (also without any data or foundation) when you can find favorable things and unfavorable things, however you decide happily.Propagar conspiracy theories against the first two: "Aspartamo and cyclamate are bad ..." "They poison us ..." "They earn money to our coast ..." "That each one does what they consider appropriate ..I continue in my thirteen ... "

    Conspirian theories ???You look like another parrot.

    The Run Run in the background is still "the natural is good, the synthetic is bad."Who has told you that the tagatosa or the stevia that reaches your hands is natural?Do you plants the Stevia seeds yourself in your particular garden?If so ... those seeds that you use in your particular garden are natural or are manipulated (transgenic) seeds?Do you personally inspect each and every intermediate processes?

    Ecological production stevia can be achieved, which does not guarantee 100% that is natural either, doubt must always exist.The synthetic leave no doubt.

    I love to meet someone who has a more or less hypochondriac behavior like yours, there is always something to worry about ...
    I do not love anything to find people with so much approval towards large companies, but well, there must be everything and someone has to eat all the workers of these laboratories ...
    Well, we are going to "feed" those concerns that you like so much and in view that you talk positively about the stevia (without any data or foundation) when there is, as with any product, information in favor and against it then we go with it:

  • Stevia has been prohibited for years in many countries, the prohibition in Europe has risen as who says four days ago (but to help the negative conspiracy theories against Stevia now it's time to finish the phrase with something like) butStatus prohibited by something will be ... (important to finish the phrase with suspensive points to let the reader's imagination fly, also note the use of majority to penetrate the collective subconscious).

  • One puts in a search engine "Stevia contraindications" "Stevia prohibition" or similar can be found theories of all kinds, including:

    -"Evidence of genotoxicity (for example, is able to change genetic information) in some of the Stevia components."

    -"Stevia and sterility: the Guaraní indigenous people of this area of ​​Paraguay as in southern Brazil use" ka'a he'ê "(" sweet sheet "), as it is called in Guaraní, from hundreds of years as an edulcorant in theirYerba mate, and in several tribes the use of this plant was reported in the control of women's fertility, applying concentrated infusions of Stevia for prolonged times. "

  • I do not know ... all these things give to think ... (important to use many suspensive points, that the reader lets his imagination fly).

    Then to the "light" of the new "data" What will we do now?You come talking about a product and goSomeone and find negative data ... Are you going to continue using Stevia after all these "evidence"?Are you going to continue recommending Stevia?: Oops:

    Maybe this type of studies is sponsored by the large companies that sell their sweeteners : shock :: shock:

    Post data: That it is recorded that it has only been an example and that the example I just made with the stevia can be done with any product, anyone! It is just to put a name and "contraindications" or "prohibition" and one and oneFind that and more.

    Post data 2: That no one takes seriously any of the nonsense of this post.

    You don't take my answers seriously either.

    JoseManuel's profile photo
    07/08/2011 8:25 a.m.
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    A little calm please.
    It is very clear that it is best to have a healthy, varied and balanced diet, and that excesses in any way or any product are not good.

    From there, if anyone is afraid to eat whatever, because in their freedom is not to do it.
    But I think it is very important not to participate or advertise this type of social alarms that have no foundation.
    that is, absurd fears, who stay in whoever wants to continue having them, do not try to instill our way of being others.

    DiabetesForo's profile photo
    07/08/2011 8:38 a.m.
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    What I see is a conspiracy, benefits at our expense and that play with our health.
    I have fixed it, I expressed badly.And nothing.And less propaganda.And to instill, even less.
    That is why the forum is, to express your opinions, and how not also mistake you.
    Life is like that, for some product it is good, for others it is bad, you let yourself be convinced for one thing or another.But who is right?I say again that each one who does what he wants.I just wanted to know your opinions.Thanks and goodbye.: D

    Consu's profile photo
    07/08/2011 9:59 a.m.

    DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


    Consu, I think like you.

    DiabetesForo's profile photo
    07/08/2011 11:21 a.m.
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    Josemanuel This comment that I am going to do to you is a good vibes: I think you have not understood what my second post was, I think you have not understood neither the ironies nor the sarcasm in it and that and thatthat there are several notes between kinship and a couple of phrases at the end quite explanatory.

    I have not said anywhere that I am in favor or against any large food company or give them the approval or anything like that and if you believe that I reiterate more that you have not understood anything of that post.

    I think it is best to read that second post calmly to understand what is the idea that aimsIt comes with information in a product direction it is very easy to punch and find information in the opposite direction of that same product (it doesn't matter the product or address), I believed that the two final notes would be enough but I see that it has beena subsequent explanation necessary.


    DiabetesForo's profile photo
    07/08/2011 2:53 p.m.
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    roa , I'm with you.

    DiabetesForo's profile photo
    07/08/2011 2:53 p.m.
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