Well, little by little the first anniversary of diabetic will arrive.And I do not want to speak very high, because in this disease almost anything influences the level of sugar.It seems that I begin to meet a little better, it seems to me to lie that I had to spend so much time to learn what foods I upload more, day times, exercise, humor changes, etc.
As soon as I got up at 06AM with 120/140 6UDS of Novorapid with the glass of milk, then in the curro 2 cookies to lunch that reached a level of 80/ 100, 10 more fast with about 10 rations of C.H.At 12 new control, and 2 more cookies to get well until eating, 16h.4uds.8 rations, and 45min swimming.There are times that I do not have to exercise, and great, nor drops nor uploads, like a normal person: p snacks, a piece of fruit or 2 Maria cookies with 2 squares of chocolate that I like very much ..
Dinner, 6 UDS Fast + 26 Lantus for about 10 R C.H.
Anyway, this is the normal day, it even makes me funny because I notice with the levels of sugar when I am getting sick before I have feeling a constipated.
The best of all that I can recommend under my own personal opinion, what has given me the best result is sport.Sometimes without clicking, then great levels.Other days, perrete plan, after eating, as if I had not even punctured, and I have to repeat a prick with problable posterior hypo.
At first I looked totally homeless, not knowing where to go, street up down, everything was doubts, hyper / hypos, my day was a constant roller coaster.Now that I know a little more, I try to repeat my routine for my best control.Everything is not so beautiful, it is still an almost impossible task to adjust my dose when it was.
Now I consider whether bomb yes, or no bomb, after so long wishing it, I think I was going to limit my freedoms of movement, I don't know ...
My goal is to download cholesterol and glycosilada below 7. If I get it ....: D