Hello everyone!My name is Cristina and I just registered in this forum.I am 26 years old and I am dayly.The treatment I follow is Levemir 26-0-16 and a Dianben pill in the morning.The pill is recently taken and feels fatal: stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, bad taste ... So for now I take half.Does anyone take Dianben, if I want to know if you also have bad at first ??? I would like to meet people from Barcelona or surroundings to share experiences and be able to talk about doubts since I do not know anyone but it is diabetic. Thank you very much, see you soon !!;)
Do you have type 1 diabetes? Because if so, you have a fairly unusual treatment:-/: Shock:
Dianben usually gives the symptoms you comment (except dizziness), tries to take it after eating (always next to meals), but normal is that those symptoms pass after 1 month ...
Welcome to the forum.I take Dianben, at the beginning and for a long time I took half and a half, always with a full stomach, now it is an integer after the food and everything goes very well, the Dianben cannot leave, use a generic.
Diagnosticada en Agosto del 2009, solicite la curva de glucosa, diabetes melitus II, actualmente tomo Jentadueto, dos al día. Glicosilada 6,4
Hello everyone!My name is Cristina and I just registered in this forum.I am 26 years old and I am dayly.The treatment I follow is Levemir 26-0-16 and a Dianben pill in the morning.The pill is recently taken and feels fatal: stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, bad taste ... So for now I take half.Does anyone take Dianben, if I want to know if you also have bad at first ??? I would like to meet people from Barcelona or surroundings to share experiences and be able to talk about doubts since I do not know anyone but it is diabetic. Thank you very much, see you soon !!;)
Hello, I am from a little town next to BCN i I have 28 I I am looking for the same as you if you fancy we could meet us to chat, and tell experiences you tell me something greetings!