Why has Liraglutida been marketed?

DiabetesForo's profile photo   02/29/2012 4:51 p.m.

I recommend an interesting blog:

In it I have read this (matizo that the liraglutida only treats type 2 diabetes):

In the last bulletin pharmacotherapy evaluation of the CEMPS, an analysis of the liraglutida (incredin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus) is published in which it is concluded that:
- It does not imply any therapeutic advance, not even for any group of patients with a special characteristic.It is, therefore a me-too, (equal efficiency as others from the same therapeutic group and similar theoretical security although without studies in phase IV)

- The six studies that endorse it are low or very low quality with design deficiencies, not including morbidity and mortality as an efficacy variable, comparing the molecule with placebo and/or with substances at maximum doses little used in clinical practice (glimepirid), or with substances withdrawn from the market (Rosiglitazone).

- It has the same profile of adverse reactions as the rest of the Anologists of LPG-1 although greater abandonment rates.

- It is suspected that can cause acute pancreatitis and thyroid neoplasms.No long -term security information is available.

- Patients have to prick it because it has no oral form

- It is double the face that the most expensive insulin (glargine) and three times more expensive than the insulin NPH.

I understand that the AEMPS (Spanish regulatory agency), in its long career of disregard in their actions with the consequences on the health of citizens and the sustainability of the public health system, has admitted its commercialization.He is so aseptic in his verdicts ...
But I cannot understand that this government, through its General Directorate of Pharmacy and Health Products has admitted its public financing.

Because, is there any "Candida Alma" in the ministry that does not know that, after its public financing, a network of commercial agents is triggered that knowing (or without knowing) that their product is not better than others, they must use allThe "possible strategies" to position it among the medical prescription?Do you not know that many doctors will be receptive to such strategies (I will once analyze the profile of these doctors) and this will produce an economic waste of the system and a decrease in the safety of treated patients?
There are many voices that have requested, for years, a change in the medicine policy in this country, without going any further, in this same blog I have published two entries in this regard ("it has shown to be inferior" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "The AEMPS still does not find out ”) but there are many more authors.But if this policy has always been unsustainable, with the current economic crisis it is morally reprehensible.

It cannot be that sanitary services are being closed and eliminating health personnel contracts that affect health care and life of people and a drug policy is perpetuated that only benefits the economic interests of large pharmaceutical industries and notThe health of citizens.

I think it's time to say enough, I think it's time to denounce these policies that prioritize companies and their industrial benefits.The dozens of millions of euros that are going to be wasteing an unnecessary product could devote themselves to maintaining those health services that are closing.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
02/29/2012 4:51 p.m.
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Incredible.And then they intend to save by closing beds and operating rooms.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/06/2012 9:44 a.m.
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This has no arrangement.I am very demoralized seeing how this country continually repeats the same mistakes, whoever is in power.We could now rationalize spending on administration in many millions without cutting benefits or services.But it seems that nobody can think of how.They are lost in nonsense.

Ah, and I don't agree with that health and education should be untouchable in terms of cuts.Saying that is simplistic.It is very progressive but it is childish.Here in this thread we have an example.Of course, we must also rationalize spending in those areas, as in others.In health, thousands of millions and health services are wasteful* are managed by incompetent that do not see beyond the papers that put them on the table.And when they see two roles at their table that refer to an expense, in one it costs 3 and in the other 5, because they go to 3 without thinking anything else.And so it goes.

* Edito to put the asterisk by afraiding that, of course, when I speak of health managers, I mean the regional.Because currently, in health issues, the autonomies are the ones that make each one at will.And it is they who have in their hand make the health budget invested in a rational and adequate way.

HanSolo's profile photo
03/06/2012 10:21 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


This is only useful to confirm the boycott strategy and subsequent privatization of absolutely all public services.It is being tried, from within, sabotage everything that is related to public administration.Its effectiveness and efficiency will be discredited and its waste will be demonstrated, although we will have seen how its managers will have been rewarded to meet the marked objectives.What I put below has been hung on the network for a long time without being modified at all.Every time I listen to new economic or political news in these difficult years they only remember what I already read more than 5 years ago in some places that would be called subversives.

It is written in a global environment.Copy and Pego:

The AGCS (General Agreement on Commerce of Services, or in English GATS - General Agreement on Trade and Services) is a multilateral agreement prepared by the WTO since 1995 under the impulse of the United States, and which concerns the "services" inVery broad sense of the term.

The negotiations have begun in January 2000 and have to last until January 2005, limit and peremptory date set for the adoption of the agreement.The negotiations are directed by Robert Zoelick (see photo) for the United States and Pascal Lamy for the European Union.

In fact, as "Service-Favor", the AGCS foresees the total privatization of the set of public services: the Public Distribution of Electricity (EDF), El Correo, Public Transport (Air France, SNCF, Ratp), but also healthand education whose access will be reserved for the most favored.In the long term, this means a decrease in life expectancy, a massive return to functional illiteracy, of increasingly intelligent and increasingly manipulable populations ....

In the end, the AGCS foresees the total liberalization of 160 sectors of activity, of which some represent fabulous world markets that have long excited the private sector (2000 billion dollars for education, 3500 billion dollars for health).

Before the signing of the AGCS, European governments have begun to put into work the privatization of public services.The privatization projects already announced from some public services in France (EDF, Air France, the post ...) are being dictated by the AGCS, that the right and left governments have secretly developed, behind the backs of the citizens,And with the complicit silence of the media, but also of "collaboration" trade union organizations of the new economic order (the leaders of the first French union, the CFDT, are regular participants of the Davos Forum).Identical policies are currently applied in all Western countries.

As for AMI, AGCS negotiations develop in the greatest opacity.Despite the repeated demands of certain European parliamentarians, access to negotiation documents has been rejected.

Like AMI, AGCS always tends to favor more freedom and rights for multinationals, to reduce the economic power of states, and to methodically dismantle the set of social and environmental regulations.These simultaneous attacks are inscribed in what should be called a war.A social and internal war, a war war against citizens.

Thanks to the apathy of the public and the union counter-union, this war is about to achieve its objectives: the annulment of the set of social rights acquired for 1 century, the suppression of any obstacle to the "freedom" of company (Freedom to contaminate, freedom to exploit without limit, freedom to destroy lives through misery and unemployment ...), and the final suppression of the power of the chosen institutions (the states) andThen, of democracy.

To respond to this war that enters its final phase and whose consequences will be irreversible (without return), time has arrived for citizens.

sabotage before privatization

To easily obtain the consent of opinion for the privatization of public services, the most commonly used strategy consists in preventing the sabotage of public services, so that their inefficiency can serve as a pretext to their privatization.This strategy has been massively applied in the sectors of health and education.

Here is what you can read about public education in an OECD document, the organization of the masters of the world which is also a projectist author of the L'A Ami:

"If operating expenses are reduced, the amount of service must not be reduced, so that quality lowrestrict the number of students and students.
This is done progressively, in a school and not in a neighboring establishment, so that a general discontent of the population is avoided. "

Economic Policy Notebook "N ° 13 of the OECD

JoseManuel's profile photo
03/07/2012 8:32 a.m.
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