Hello everyone, because I am Shuya and first of all I have been wanting to register in a forum of diabetic7 years (I have 21) and my diabetes was because of a syrup for acne and first of all I wantMother began to worry and such because we went to the doctor (I remember above all to be in the waiting room with the game Boy Tanke with the blue pokemon Jajajj) well I send me a syrup, within a few days I started to notice strange and such,In summary that they entered me and told me that I had type 1 diabetes that would be inheritance and that my grandmother did not believe it because in my family nobody had diabetes and then my grandmother called a relative who was head of Medicine in a hospital in a hospitalFrom Madrid telling him if he could do a favor to know for sure if it was a hereditary diabetes or by syrup to this the doctor told him that if he would do the favor, good then it was confirmed that it was for the syrup and well here I am herehahaha and told how I started in this world and I hope to have fun here to meet more people with this disease for XDD
A health