Anaeronic exercises generally do not produce a decrease in blood glucose, but as Juanqui says, they usually upload it, at least in the short term, since later hours that lost glycogen and the blood circulating glucose are filled again.Apart from the main problem of the muscles, which for us is that it implies a dangerous abrupt and sudden increase in internal pressure (Valsalva maneuver) that occurs when making the effort of the lifting of the weights, with the consequent danger of spill;Especially in eyes and kidneys (in addition, a diabetic per one has the walls of the most fragile vessels than a "healthy" person, so that the risk is always greater).
As for putting insulin in the gym, it is a practice that some bodybuilders do, due to the anabolic character of insulin hormone, because ultimately, and summarizing, it favors the construction of muscle mass.
As for the percentage of effort, there are two different areas in which a person with diabetes can work in training with security;the weight control or fat burning, and the aerobic work.The first implies being around 60-70% of the frec.Maximum cardiac, and the second between 70 and 80%.The first basically produces a fat burning and an increase in aerobic resistance, and the second a cardiovascular improvement and a greater capacity to provide more oxygen per minute to the cells, which in the end implies a greater capacity to make efforts without reaching theexhaustion threshold.To work in the fat burning area, it is advisable not to lower one hour (better something else), and for the aerobic area, about 40-45 minutes would be ideal."=" "> Muscles have a certain capacity to store glucose (when stored I think the most correct word is glycogen), to store that glucose they need: that there is glucose in the bloodstream and (of course) insulin.
What I am going to tell does not have 100% of the people but if it happens to many: when the muscles begin to exercise that glucose that they have stored (glycogen) PQ will consume energy, exercise implies aEnergy consumption for the body, in addition to the release of that glycogen, other substances (stress hormones and blabla) are also released that also make glucose levels rise.
It is quite common for someone who exercises as soon as you start it or at the same time, notice a rise in blood glucose levels and then, when exercise ends, the muscles again fill their glucose reserves (glycogen), it is notSomething immediate but during the first hours after doing that happens, I mean that it is also quite normal to have a tendency to even have a hypoglycemia hours later.
Like many things around diabetes it is impossible to say "this is so, 100% and for everyone" but the two things are usual (beech at the beginning and posterior downturn).Surely there will be a thousand nuances with respect to this.
@Juanqui2791 What do you comment that someone after some exercises (I don't care anaerobic that of another type) was insulin, if it was someone who had diabetes it would simply be to have an injection at that time and if that is so it does not happenNothing but unfortunately that also does some people who make bodybuilding and have no diabetes.
Some of the things they do are:
- Eat small quantity but many times a day (6 or 7 times) to make the body believe that it does not have much storage capacity.I do not know if that theory will be true but this in principle does not enter anything bad, as if you eat 10 times a day.
- Have a protein rich diet to favorFormation and/or tissue maintenance (mainly muscle).This in principle is not bad, it is precisely what they are looking for.
- Now the fog is coming: When the muscles are finished, the blood glucose (once stored - & GT; glycogen) is stored again, this process takes time (those subsequent hours commented before) to accelerate this process isFor what they use insulin, injecting quick insulin so that the muscles quickly storles blood glucose, when stored in muscles is stored as glycogen, if stored at a normal rhythm part of that glucose if it would go to muscles andIt would become glycogen (what they are looking for) but would also be stored in the rest of the body as fat (this is one of the things they try to prevent) supposedly, why is it better glycogen than fat?because among other things glycogen seems to be a faster energy exchange unit, it is released faster.
I do not care that that can sound "well" or "credible", it is a buried and as an extreme application of that buried is the case that it is not the first one that dies because they can not only do it immediately after exercising (For the "theory" commented) they also do it at meals (as if they had a complete dependence on insulin) and as all people are very "big horse, walk or not" and "more is better" because people have diedthat does things like those by insulin overdose.
It is the art of taking care of the body on the outside because inside they mistreat everything they can.
Well, you have caught me with the liberation of glycogen, I did not know any of this, despite if the reservations are emptied and re -filled, the story would be that things after a day of exercise should remain the same (subtracting what isconsume, of course).
Regarding punctual hyperglycemia, because that is not a problem if you do cardio before, moreover, if I do cardio and my glucose low, and then lite myself with weights and others, this will help me not give me hypoglycemia during exercise.And if glycogen reserves are consumed by the muscles that I have exercised during the cardiobascular the others when they have to replenish, will they pull fat in theory, right?They are all advantages xDD.If you see any bad reasoning, let me know that I make some very fat mental straw sometimes.
Regarding the risk of spilling, I believe that everything depends on how animal you are ... when I work abdominals, biceps, triceps and pectorals, which is what I do most, I try to improve my resistance training, that is, seriesLonger and greater number of lifting and no greater weight, which is what most usually does to progress quickly.I exercise to be healthy and comfortable with myself not to go to the other neighborhood in two days for having something to look.
However, I accept any opinion about it and I like that people do not match everything or can open my eyes when I'm wrong.;)