I wanted to tell you that our partner has just told his ambulatory that each needle must be used 3 times !!!! Specifically:
"The recommendation from both primary and specialized care consultations, and based on the established protocol, is the change of needle every 3 punctures."
I had an idea that recommendations from all organisms (including government, like them) were always that needles are used only once.But now they surprise us with this.Does anyone know if there is any supranational regulations (I would also be worth a national level, above my community) such as WHO, IDF, etc., which recommends the use of a single puncture per needle?It is to make the corresponding claim and be argued.
As users we are obliged to follow the manufacturer's recommendations (not putting the cat in the microwave, it was done for something): Mrgreen:
Entresaco: 13.Data provided by the manufacturer. 13.1 Each product must be accompanied by the necessary information for use with full security and properly, taking into account the training and knowledge of potential users, and to identify the manufacturer. This information will be constituted by the indications that appear on the label and those that appear in the use instructions. The necessary data for the use of the product with full security must appear, provided that it is feasible and adequate, in the product itself and/or in a unit container or, where appropriate, in the commercial container.If it is not feasible to pack each unit, these data must appear in use instructions that accompany one or more products. All products must include the use instructions in their packaging.
DIABETICA TIPO 1, debut 1999, varias complicaciones( Neuropatía diabética, Cardiopatía Isquémica....) Fiasp 1/4/5 Tresiba 0/0/23 Sensor Freestyle Libre 2
Hello, the last time I went for needles, they told me the same, I had to use them as a minimum 3 times. After the outrage k I had no shut up because of what I told them a few things, from there they are giving me the necessary needles,Because I don't know if it happens to you but I once comes out of blood, so K does not feel like puncturing my needle, it carries dry blood, and that can cause infected punctures. Well, well to the kejar myselfIn the health center, the person in charge of shouting me "never came out blood.
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A few days ago I was lucky to coincide with a medical commercial, which I tell myself the following on this subject: a single puncture per needle, at most two, but I would not.If they tell you that two or three, ask for it in writing.No doctor is going to sign it. "
I started with three punctures per needle, which is what they told me in the hospital.But as needles were accumulating at home, and I have read you a lot ... now I use a needle per puncture.I hope I never put problems asking them ... and if they put problems, I know what I have to do.
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This is the answer to our partner when he complained about the 3 punctures per needle.
Dear Madam:
We get in touch with you to respond to your claim filed in this center dated 03-25-2010 We want to tell you that the recommendation, both from primary care consultations and from specialized (endocrinology consultation) and, based on the established protocol, is the change of needle every 3 punctures. So in your case we will continue to provide a box per month, having the assurance that it will not be unbalanced at any time.
That is, of course they have it in writing.And when you complain, they release you.
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I find the theme of needles and strips incredible !! In the prospect of the insulin Apidra and in any nursing book is a needle per puncture due to the theme of sterility, a needle ceases to be sterile in the first puncture evidently! So we are in our right of needle by puncture! And the theme of the strips now that I am living it has indignantly, I have had to go to the district with the specialist's report to accept the recipe for 6 strips a day since I am starting ... and the Lord tells me that IIt activates it in the act and that I can go to the CDO pharmacy wants and I go to the pharmacy and even without activating it is the 5 return with the ame and even without fixing .... incredible !! And now I read you about the needles and Pufff is that it seems to me that important and necessary things are so and then it is so long in other things .. I hope we win battles with these issues !!;) The case is not to get off the donkey and demand what is necessary for us!