11/30/2011 12:43 p.m.
Hello, I have been looking for some kind of fridge for the car to keep insulin on trips for a long time.At the moment I have used thermal bags with the frozen blue typical packages and it has gone well on the first trip (the back not for not having freezer in the hotels, the maximum has been approved the mini neveras bar).
The fact is that yesterday he gave me to search and find this: Link

It has a house and car plug, internal battery and another external in case you take it for a walk.According to it, it has 13 hours of autonomy and keeps the temperature well.
It is precisely what I was looking for, what I don't know is if it would really fulfill its mission.Have you tried someone or have references?I am looking forward to one but I prefer to ask before.To all this on the web that I have put this charisa xD buying it directly to Chinese distributors is the same model for 80-100E only that you cannot claim guarantee to anyone if something happens.
All the best.
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To spend 100 eurazos, better try the cold portfolio:
For 50 euros or so you have the solution, without cables, without refrigerators, with nothing, just wetting in water ...
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I use this:
For insulin, the little food ... is small, and fits in any corner.
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12/02/2011 8:30 a.m.
Hello companions
With great affectionate ... uf what a piece of junk .... I wouldn't even wear such a thing.
Seriously look at what Owash says of the cold portfolio are wonderful.
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09/19/2012 12:36 p.m.
PUF… Tunts and more junk, I do the portfolio the walk on trips through Egypt or Türkiye in August and never had a problem.I guess there will be medications that need to be more refrigerated but for insulin I do not think it is more than a cold wallet
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10/22/2013 9:58 a.m.
I have been using the cold wallet for 8 years and there is nothing the same.
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02/19/2014 5:31 a.m.
The problem is on long trips for more than a month.The cold portfolio indicates that maximum one month.Let's see where you keep it later.If someone has the solution, I would greatly appreciate it so as not to have to measure the duration of my trips...
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The cold portfolio has no duration limit, you simply put it again in water when it loses effectiveness.
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02/19/2014 7:34 a.m.
Well, some limit has, because ours we have had to throw it, it had deteriorated the inside, as a caked and did not work ... but well, after a few years it is not bad ...
De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1
Well, mine is still new and should be about 10 years, it is true that now I just use it, but these years we have been doing the way, the asset for each stage to carry a pen in case the pump fails and remains phenomenal doing its function..
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Hello, I bought a type of gel that was cold in cold water.It was very practical and lasted several days.
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02/19/2014 6:26 p.m.
Yeah.What I was referring to is that they say that insulin saved in a cold portfolio does not endure more than 30 days
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02/19/2014 7:59 p.m.
Vnika ... 30 days endures at room temperature ... However, I spend a link about this.
De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1
Vnika What they have told you is that any insulin pen you are using and therefore keep out of the refrigerator you have to throw it 30 days because it loses effectiveness and the same if you keep it in the cold wallet.The cold portfolio is very good to carry insulin especially in summer so that it does not spoil before those 30 days precisely.
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06/20/2015 8:08 a.m.
I just bought a cold portfolio on eBay and leaves on 39e sent from England ... it is worth it.Greetings
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Toryn said:
for the moment I have used thermal bags with the frozen blue typical packages and it has gone well on the first trip (the back not for not having freezer in the hotels, whatMaximum has been approved the mini Neveras bar).
Well, I do not cut in hotels and bars.I tell you that I am diabetic and that this or that in the freezer or in the fridge and they have never told me no.
When I also travel, I use the cold portfolio for the trip.Only with water it cools moderately well.
Diebetico desde hace 12 años. Ultima hemo 6.9%. Usuario de freestyle.
I have always taken the cold wallet on my trips, but on one occasion when I took it I did not find it, with which I could not take it.
I had to ask the hotel reception to keep the reserve insulin to keep it in a refrigerator in an area that was not very cold.I had no problem and they were very friendly.The feathers I was using carried them without the cold portfolio, what happens is that it was in summer, not much heat and it was in Santander (in other conditions I would have played it)
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Hello everyone.
I use the cold portfolio but the American, the doctor's poucho, endures more and is a cheaper tad.I've been with the same more than two years.
If I go to a hotel, then there is the minibar to put the insulin.
I see another problem on trips.I usually spend part of the summer on the Andalusian coast.When I arrived at my destination I was looking for a nearby pharmacy and left my recipes on paper, I had enough summer time.Since I have electronic recipe the thing has changed.The electronic recipe of those of Madrid is only admitted in pharmacies and Madrid.Wonderful invention !!!
The next thing is that Loseuros de Loa Gallegos or Extremaduras cannot use Madrid or in Catalonia.
Madrid, 44 años, DMID desde los 11 años. Terapia: Bomba Accu-Chek Spirit Combo (Humalog). SMCG Freestyle Libre. Complicaciomes: IAM. Enfermedad coronaria sereva ravascularizada, retinopatia OD, DE Implante protesis AMS 700.
malefic33 said:
hello all.
I use the cold portfolio but the American, the doctor's poucho, endures more and is a cheaper tad.I've been with the same more than two years.
If I go to a hotel, then there is the minibar to put the insulin.
I see another problem on trips.I usually spend part of the summer on the Andalusian coast.When I arrived at my destination I was looking for a nearby pharmacy and left my recipes on paper, I had enough summer time.Since I have electronic recipe the thing has changed.The electronic recipe of those of Madrid is only admitted in pharmacies and Madrid.Wonderful invention !!!
The next thing is that Loseuros de Loa Gallegos or Extremaduras cannot use Madrid or in Catalonia.
It is what the wonderful system of autonomies has.Some are recently improved and they propose a federal state
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