Good morning everyone!
I have a question and I don't know where to go to be able to solve it.
I have been looking at several Internet pages on the subject and is not entirely clear.
I have had to be a member of the electoral table in the next general elections.
Am I exempt from being in it for being diabetic?
Thank you!
31 años. DM tipo 1 desde los 5 años (26 años de evolución)
Novorapid 4-4-4. Lantus 19-0-0
HbA1c Mayo 2013: 6,4
11/07/2011 5:34 a.m.
I do not know if there is something official about it, but it seems to me that having diabetes does not make the vowel function impossible.With carrying the arsenal in the bag;) and going out to eat at your time, if you are rigid at the schedules, I do not think you have a problem ... yes, it must be a pain:-/ mood!
De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1
Well, I don't know if there is something official but I got rid of going as president of my table already twice.
They had already summoned me twice before I had diabetes and fulfilled my duty but to the third and already having diabetes I refused, so I interposed a resource before the Electoral Board claiming the diabetes, I brought a report from my head doctor andThey gave the reason, still returned to the following elections to summon my
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11/07/2011 5:44 a.m.
De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1
Well don't believe;), then I didn't have the bomb and worried that the count was extended too much and when you start you can't leave the room and less being the president of the table and from 8 that the electoral school closes and untilIt ends without being able to dinner etc .... come on ..... that they did not put any problem, on the contrary .....: mrgreen:
Come on, there are many people who can call and I had already gone twice ..... That is what does not seem fair ... and for something the diabetes has to serve ..... hehehehe .....
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It is not a jeta.It also touched me again and again, until Celia debuted.Then I asked the pediatrician certificate that the girl needed constant attention and admitted it to me.
I don't know what happens, but it always touches them.
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You are right me Prado.It was my turn as president and it is true, you can hardly disappear, from which it closes until they spend many hours and there they may not be able to dinner or put the insulin.Fatal, I pray so that it does not happen again, and if it occurs new, I will do the same as you.
Bomba Accu Check Insight de Roche con Novorapid.
Usuaria de bomba desde 2011 ( lleve la Combo hasta el año pasado).
Romevila if you touch you do not hesitate to resort to and surely you are exempt ...
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This reminds me of when I did not feel like doing physical education at school and told the teacher who had a descent ... :))
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In my case and how I was working away from home, when I went back the allergations deadline.Unable to avoid it, as president of the table, I went out to eat (whenever he finds at least two people, he is president and vocal, or the two vowels, a person, vocal or president, they can leave the table; who already informed meIn a previous chala) and during the count, although I did not leave, between urn and urn, stop the counting and click myself discreetly in a corner, and then we resume the recount session with the second urn.They were already aware and as president, you have that power, that of stopping and no more than an hour, both votes and counts.For something you are the president.
They informed me in the aforementioned talk, and I did.
And even if the answer is late, it is an example for future consultations.Salutres
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09/10/2016 2:27 p.m.
I reopen the thread ... Given the current political situation ... of elections after choices .... Any to be able to claim diabetes so as not to be part of the electoral table?
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09/12/2016 6:16 p.m.
I can tell you that in my case I play as a substitute for president 5 years ago (General of 2011) and taking to the Court the report of the head doctor told me that diabetes (type 1 in my case) was no reason to be exempt.Luckily in the end it did not touch me.
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@jasom on the one hand I am glad, we should not be discriminated to exercise these obligations, but on the other hand, I fuck me, since we continue to be discriminated to official positions, driving card renovations, etc ... I hope I arrive one day inthat all this is a matter of absolute normality.
Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.
Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.
I have presented an excuse to be on the table for being diabetic with a medical certificate and they have denied it.
There are multiple studies that show that diabetics are people at risk both for greater ease of infection and for the greatest possibility of complicating the disease.
They can come to vote people infected and in the Madrid elections they will not give us Epi costumes or anything as they are supposed to give in Catalonia.I am valuing to deny myself to stay at the table all day even if it is a crime.The bad thing that perhaps lead you to a stopped cell and that is even worse than being on the table.
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Hello, these threads without date I do not know if they are now or when we vote for the referendum to Franco.
In any case, my opinion.In full debate about whether they leave the diabetics being firefighters, police, military, as they let us be teachers, doctors, engineers, this consultation makes no sense.Diabetes cannot be an excuse to skip your civic duties.We are equally capable as everyone else, and we have the same obligations (to which it is added to take care of the disease).Just as you pick up the dog's peanut, do not buckets to the street and separate the garbage, if you have to go to the electoral table.Spot.
You explain to all that you are diabetic, you take your pots in a backpack, and when you touch, you make the capillary, you put the injection, regulate the pump or whatever.But at the table, you have to go, like everyone else.It touched me when I was 20 years old (and I was already diabetic), and it didn't even occur to me to consider anything.And if it touches the next (July 23, 2023), then the same.There I will leave, and end of the matter.Than diabetes or what diabetes.
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Cristóbal Cortés said:
Hello, these threads without date I do not know if they are now or when we vote the referendum to Franco.
In any case, my opinion.In full debate about whether they leave the diabetics being firefighters, police, military, as they let us be teachers, doctors, engineers, this consultation makes no sense.Diabetes cannot be an excuse to skip your civic duties.We are equally capable as everyone else, and we have the same obligations (to which it is added to take care of the disease).Just as you pick up the dog's peanut, do not buckets to the street and separate the garbage, if you have to go to the electoral table.Spot.
You explain to all that you are diabetic, you take your pots in a backpack, and when you touch, you make the capillary, you put the injection, regulate the pump or whatever.But at the table, you have to go, like everyone else.It touched me when I was 20 years old (and I was already diabetic), and it didn't even occur to me to consider anything.And if it touches the next (July 23, 2023), then the same.There I will leave, and end of the matter.What diabetes or what diabetes.
Well that .. in full debate ...
I had not planned it, but hey if it touches me, I will try, more than anything, that it would not be a normal day, I could not exercise, I would be more than 12 hours sitting, stress that affects blood glucose and a thousand more different things fromMy day to day.
When they consider me "normal" for everything, I will value it
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merchem said:
Cristóbal Cortés said:
Hello, these threads without date I do not know if they are now or when we vote the referendum to Franco.
In any case, my opinion.In full debate about whether they leave the diabetics being firefighters, police, military, as they let us be teachers, doctors, engineers, this consultation makes no sense.Diabetes cannot be an excuse to skip your civic duties.We are equally capable as everyone else, and we have the same obligations (to which it is added to take care of the disease).Just as you pick up the dog's peanut, do not buckets to the street and separate the garbage, if you have to go to the electoral table.Spot.
You explain to all that you are diabetic, you take your pots in a backpack, and when you touch, you make the capillary, you put the injection, regulate the pump or whatever.But at the table, you have to go, like everyone else.It touched me when I was 20 years old (and I was already diabetic), and it didn't even occur to me to consider anything.And if it touches the next (July 23, 2023), then the same.There I will leave, and end of the matter.What diabetes or what diabetes.
Well that .. in full debate ...
I had not planned it, but hey if it touches me, I will try, more than anything, that it would not be a normal day, I could not exercise, I would be more than 12 hours sitting, stress that affects blood glucose and a thousand more different things fromMy day to day.
When they consider me "normal" for everything, I will value it
Well, indeed.It touched me in the previous ones, a week ago and the 15 hours sitting (I walk every day) they assumed me a lack of control of glucose and click quickly 5 times in front of the two that I click normally.
That nothing happens, okay, but annoying to be uncontrolled for not being able to move.Diabetics can make normal life, but for me being 15 hours sitting is not normal life.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
I think it is not about discussing if it can be done (of course it can be done, more would be missing) is if there is any argument so as not to attend because I do not feel like anything that, from a man, announces the holidays to millions of Spaniards, in thewhich I include myself so if I have to cry because I am diabetic I will.
LADA con insulina abasaglar + Ristfor con sensor, Novorapid
moñiño said:
Isabelbota said:
merchem said:
merchem said:
Hello, these threads without date I do not know if they are now or when we vote for the referendum to Franco.
In any case, my opinion.In full debate about whether they leave the diabetics being firefighters, police, military, as they let us be teachers, doctors, engineers, this consultation makes no sense.Diabetes cannot be an excuse to skip your civic duties.We are equally capable as everyone else, and we have the same obligations (to which it is added to take care of the disease).Just as you pick up the dog's peanut, do not buckets to the street and separate the garbage, if you have to go to the electoral table.Spot.
You explain to all that you are diabetic, you take your pots in a backpack, and when you touch, you make the capillary, you put the injection, regulate the pump or whatever.But at the table, you have to go, like everyone else.It touched me when I was 20 years old (and I was already diabetic), and it didn't even occur to me to consider anything.And if it touches the next (July 23, 2023), then the same.There I will leave, and end of the matter.What diabetes or what diabetes.
Well that .. in full debate ...
I had not planned it, but hey if it touches me, I will try, more than anything, that it would not be a normal day, I could not exercise, I would be more than 12 hours sitting, stress that affects blood glucose and a thousand more different things fromMy day to day.
When they consider me "normal" for everything, I will value it
Well, indeed.It touched me in the previous ones, a week ago and the 15 hours sitting (I walk every day) they assumed me a lack of control of glucose and click quickly 5 times in front of the two that I click normally.
That nothing happens, okay, but annoying to be uncontrolled for not being able to move.Diabetics can make normal life, but for me to be 15 hours sitting is not normal life.
I can understand that the fact that you have a Sunday to be on an electoral table and I disrupt you the plans is an annoyance.
What I don't understand are excuses.Knowing that you will have to be there for no time without moving, adapt the guideline and point.
When you are on vacation, you will surely adapt the guideline.Because you change the daily routine, the hours in which you do or give things.
Those who are diabetics and work in shifts, today in morning, the next week of afternoons, the other of nights ..... there is an alteration in the rhythm (and it shows, and quite the first month until you do.I have lived it)) solution, know how your body responds and change the pattern.
This week I am lunch at 4 in the morning but the next one is not sleeping at that time.An annoyance but I have to be there.Knowing it ........ I adapt the guideline to the circumstances and point.
I do not even have the same Saturday and Sunday as the rest of the week.Because circumstances change my weekend with respect to the week.And my body shows it.What if notice.Therefore to change the pattern.There is no more problem.
Cheer up.Of course, to try to get rid, obviously.I tried in your day and it didn't work.And it did not work because these types of excuses do not work.Try it with others to see if there is luck.And if it touches you, you assume it, you adapt and another day you have lived in a normal life.Because I even being diabetic, I feel that I live a normal life.Like anyone in this normal life, I adapt to the circumstances that it presents and ready.Salu2
Already, now, but 15 hours sitting is a barbarity.Well, you click more and that's it.But annoying and we have the right to kick.
And however I did not try to get rid of.I assumed that it was my obligation but it annoyed me especially for diabetes.To lose a Sunday,Being stop is not a problem, but not moving all day kills me.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.