Hello everyone,
I have diagnosed type 2 diabetes a couple of years ago, my doctor has been assigning the medication, and today I am using metformin 1 gram and as an antiglucemic use rosuvastatin (novonorm) 1 mg with each meal.Until there all, what I have 2 doubts: I had my medication last night as always, 2 hours later I took my glucose and I was in 122, I go to sleep and when I take this morning on an empty stomach the reading indicates 137 ...
And one more doubt, I am not sure that 'so' diabetic I am: my usual controls indicate an emptyway level between 90 and 140 maximum, and maximum postprandial of 175, and without medication and consuming hydrates the maximum levels I have had areOf 205. I am not sure at what level I would be given these values, if I have to worry a lot or if I am well controlled.
SLDS and thanks in advance