I'm sad.
It turns out that today as it was the last day of the course, in school they have made a lunch based on churros, horchata and lemon ganiado, it was at 12 and my husband was there at 12 less.But when he has arrived they had already eaten all the children except as he was sitting waiting.When my heart has told me and I can't take it off my head.
Nico is a happy child, those who know him know that he is very smiling and cheerful.He has a lot of knowledge and has it assumed, he does not complain about the infinite daily controls and even the catheter, but I do not know what will happen to him that head or that he will have felt to see all the other children eating.We try by all means that you do not feel different but I know that this is impossible and I do not want it to suffer.
Anyway, here I am crying like a dump because that suffering I cannot avoid it and I feel guilty for being able to eat without problems five hundred churros and my son to eat two has passed through that bad time.No one knows what I would give because it was the other way around, well those who are in my same situation if.
Well, don't worry that it will happen to me as soon as I see him in the afternoon, with that ear to ear and his hugs I forget everything, although from time to time these lows pass me.