I would like to read about this disease.I think trying to understand it would help me control better and make the right decisions to improve my records.
That possibility encourages and gives freedom.I would appreciate you very much to recommend some book.
"Living with diabetes" is a book written by and for the diabm patient.Apart from the medical treatment, dietical, physical exercise, etc., it contemplates aspects such as the psychological and emotional process of the disease. "
Although what you want is to improve glucose records, in addition to having information, the ideal is to use some type of tool that facilitates self -control and monitoring.
I have downloaded your Sidiary online program.My intention is to try it and see how I handle me, using the possibility that you facilitate us for 30 days;and later buy it if I have giving myself well.Apart from improving my records, I have interspersons to read on the subject, I think it can help me assimilate what it represents being diabm.It also seems very interesting to learn about nutrition, re -educate myself to take care of my health and that of my family.