{'en': 'Smoking is a pleasure ...', 'es': 'Fumar es un placer...'} Image

Smoking is a pleasure ...

Consu's profile photo   01/14/2011 7:29 a.m.

They charge many tobacco taxes, if we didn't smoke, where would they get the money?

There is no talk of other much more harmful things.

They are doing a lot of harm, instead of investigating and helping people we smoking, they don't care, at least that seems.He believed that he was already fixed, there were areas of smokers and non -smokers, at what is that ridicule to go out of the bar to smoking, but then they enter and jar from wisquies, alcohol apparently is very great: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil: Evil:

Of course, as it does not bother, it is allowed, but they do not say the number of people who die from alcohol and many things more produced by it.I don't understand anything?

Let's go after ... :)) Adeuuu!

Consu's profile photo
01/14/2011 7:29 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


It seems very strong to title the post: smoking is a pleasure.One thing is that you like to smoke, but that you defend it so with this way ... I think incredible, disrespectful.
I do not think that lung, bladder, esophagus, mouth, etc;Chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema;The acute myocardial infarction, bad breath, yellowish fingers, the bad example for children ... and a long etcetera.

Alcohol is also bad, it is very bad!But as you say, it does not harm others (at least directly, because it indirectly harms others).I also believe that I should advertise and inform the population more about the harmful effects of alcohol, which is forgotten.

Smoking is not prohibited, can you smoke on the street, in your house ... Do you think little?

I am going to tell you a close real story .. the title, passive smoker :

There was once a girl, young girl.He fell in love with another boy, young man, smoked a lot.They have been married for 40 years, and the boy (now a lord), continues to smoke.The girl (now a lady) has always tried to stop smoking, but could not leave it.In medical reviews, he had lungs quite well to be a smoker.
However, one day, the lady began to cough, she coughed a lot.When he began to cough blood, he went to the doctor.He had lung cancer, because of tobacco."But I have never smoked-, said the lady.

Tobacco is very bad, but everyone can do whatever, smoking, drinking, getting high .. However, I think even if you do it you should not harm around you.If the people who live with you do not smoke, you must go smoking to the street so as not to harm them.

When you have lived such a raw reality, you open your eyes well.I hope my experience reflect even a little.

María2542006's profile photo
01/14/2011 7:58 a.m.
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I totally agree with Maria and with the new law, now it is a joy to enter a bar and no fume, I am former for 7 years and it is the best I have been able to do, I know it is very hard, but if I knowYou want you can, now there are several methods to leave tobacco, pills, patches ... and that smoking is a pleasure, because at all, quite the opposite, but well, my health has noticed and my pocket too

anabeg's profile photo
01/14/2011 8:50 a.m.
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Consu, I agree with you.Smoking is a pleasure, just like having a good glass, or a good wine, or a good cake .......

In excess there is nothing good, not even something as healthy and good as sport is good in excess.

I was a two -packet smoker a day, now I am in ten cigarettes a day, and going down .... in the end I will leave it.

Maria, be sure that alcohol causes more discomfort in society and more wounded and dead than tobacco.

And the ludopathy, and we continue to have recreational machines, bingos, lotos, primitive, pools and even our blessed Christmas lottery.

Not to mention the tranic foods, Uralita's ceilings, CO2 emissions ........

Nacho_71's profile photo
01/14/2011 10:01 a.m.
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Everything in excess is bad, of course.But tobacco is always harmful, although you smoke only a cigar per day, tobacco has nothing beneficial.
I don't know if alcohol or tobacco causes more deaths, what data can you teach me to show that alcohol causes more sick and dead than tobacco?What do you base?
Anyway, I also criticize alcohol, I have already said that, there should be more information about the harmful effects of alcohol.

But it still seems incredible that you defend that smoking is a pleasure ... knowing what it produces, how can it be a pleasure to inhale a toxic smoke?

Anyway ... there each one.

María2542006's profile photo
01/14/2011 10:19 a.m.
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María2542006 I do not know how you start teaching morality with respect to tobacco or any subject when with respect to alcohol you are very little responsible arriving in this same forum to say (I don't care as advice or as a personal experience) that you suspend the treatmentOf diabetes to drink alcohol.

Direct links to thread Hello everyone, I would like to inform me ...All-So-New-Gustaria-Informarme-T7066.html#P104900 "Target =" _ Blank "> Post exemplary .Star moments in that post of yours:

Look, I tell you my experience: I do not punctuate the lantus the day after partying if I drink.
If I punctuate, I have hypoglycemia, and without clicking I have the glucose controlled throughout the day (it is usually Sunday).


I have also taken some smoked but I have not had hypoglycemia because I have always eaten something ...

And you finish a post of this thread with:
Diabetological Education , because of the diabetological education of yours !!

Edito: While writing this post I see that you write another post where you say:

Anyway, I also criticize alcohol (...)

We have already seen it in the other thread how much you criticize alcohol in addition to the good advice and good personal experiences you tell.

Post data: I neither smoke nor drink.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
01/14/2011 10:38 a.m.
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Has TNT, and what's wrong with what I said?
Yes, I drink when I go out (beer and calimocho), and criticize alcohol, of course.But I do not bother anyone to drink, I know the consequences, and as in other post I have said if in the future I had any alcohol disease is my fault.But what happens, what about drinking will I defend alcohol?
I do not try to teach morality, I only give my opinion, which for what I see in this and other posts, it seems bad to you, because you always be criticizing me ...

And yes, I have taken smoked (with 17 years I smoked joints on alternate weekends), and what?Thus, I also criticize the joints, and I have smoked them.
My boyfriend criticizes tobacco more than me, and has been a smoker.And what happens?

Alcohol is a toxic, just like tobacco, and criticize it, of course.But I always defend that each one is free.If tobacco did not harm others, I would not say anything against them.Don't you realize that this is what bothers me the most?The fact that he harms others?
I also bother the adjective '' pleasure '' ...

When I go out and drink, I can't prick insulin the next day, for hypoglycemia, TNT, and I assure you that I have no blood ketone bodies.
I have a blood glucose between 80-130.
I told this as personal experience.And what happens?It is wrong.And that's why I have to stop criticizing tobacco?

Stop attacking me, I have not done anything to you, I only say my opinion and I tell my experiences , and here we are talking about tobacco, not about me, I am notThe 'exemplary diabetics'' or anything like that, nor do I intend to be.

María2542006's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:10 a.m.
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My diabetological education did it wrong telling me that I could notThey would have explained the most calmly, telling me that I should not instead that I could not, I would not have been so radical, since 3 months after leaving the hospital I started smoking (tobacco), only as adolescent rebellion (16 years) From what they had told me in the hospital, or to eat chucheías from Kiosko (before being diabetic I just liked) because they had told me that I could not eat them ..

So do not take out the things of context, tnt ... and do not cek with me nice.

PD: At the other 3 months I stopped smoking, since I saw that I was not going anywhere with it, and I also knew the taste ... (that's what I thought about 16 years)

María2542006's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:21 a.m.
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Thus, TNT, if you read my post about diabetological education, you can see that the one they did with me consider that on the one hand it was not adequate.

Seriously, your nick cannot be more explicit than you answer in the posts (at least with me) ...

: D: D: D.

María2542006's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:24 a.m.
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Yes, smoking is a pleasure for those we smoked, for those who do not smoke is annoying.I have remembered Sara Montiel's song.There is no doubt that some vice must be had, and normally no vice is good.TNT is true, tobacco is disgusting, but it relaxes, animates, it is an incentive, something has to hook.I would particularly leave it if my life were a raft of oil, calm, happy and without problems, but I say again that it is almost a necessity.The theme of the why the human being must seek incentives to survive, whatever it is, there are so many!It is a psychological problem, which is not fixed with prohibitions, rather the contrary, it is grouped.It must also be said that many people die of cancer and heart attacks, having made healthy life, but they don't say that. They should say it.My husband, in his work he has lost several colleagues for these problems.
I think everything should be more elastic, more understanding, and not so dictator.
To try to smoke less, leave it, if you can , and above all respect for the two parts!Greetings.
I always say the same, but why almost nobody says the city in which he lives?From Girona, consu.
If tobacco is toxic smoke, go to Barcelona or to any city and breathe deep, you will see that richer :))

Consu's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:26 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


I do not attack you, in the same way that you have all the freedom in the world to come to this forum and say what you say I have all the world's freedom to comment on what you say.

If among the things you say there is any contradiction any reader has all the freedom in the world to comment on that contradiction.
If among the things you say there is any fuck any reader has all the freedom in the world to comment on that fuck.

You cannot be at Mass and at the same time replicating bells.
You cannot be in the broth and at the same time to the slices.
You cannot come to a thread like this forum making "Pepito Grillo" against tobacco, making consciences and in another thread of this same forum contradict you and say that.

That it is a personal experience does not convert it by art of magic into something good, not all the experiences (or others) are good or enriching.

To count your experience with alcohol does not make it a good experience (it is a burrada and very fat you put on how you get on and the excuse of personal experience does not matter).

I neither attacked you or anything like that, if you take it as something personal bad luck, criticize the fuck that you have said (that you do not even retract from it and insist on it, you write it again once again).

I will continue to comment in this forum what I want and if you do not like there are several solutions, including for example ignore the posts you do not like.

"I have also taken some smoked" María2542006, people without complexes.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:29 a.m.
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Maria, with the air of your participation, it is normal that then you can feel attacked ... "It seems incredible" is a little subtle way of saying things.

And I am completely in favor of respecting non -smoking areas, but I think it should be legislated respecting smoking areas.In a hospital no, it is clear.But if someone wants to set up a smokers bar, why does the law not allow it?

That is to limit freedom, that same freedom that allows you to smoke a joint when you want (something that I, for example, I have not done in my life).

Smoking is considered above a consumption of 10 cigarettes a day.That each one is bad, okay.

To you, never, nobody has forced you to enter a bar full of smoke.If you want you enter, and if not, no.And no one has forbidden you to enter a bar because there would be smoke (except being a minor, of course).To me, now, they are forbidden to enter a bar.

I avoid the typical bar with the game of letters and cloud of smoke from Farias ........ No one forces me to enter.

Nacho_71's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:41 a.m.
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Imagine the scene, four people drinking coffee, and going out to smoke, the bar is empty, and the people who spend looking at them, like weird people.It happened to me
Husband, today, and ma has given anger.What a more absurd scene, with the cold he was doing.:)) Adeuu

Consu's profile photo
01/14/2011 11:51 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Before exposing my opinion, and for those who do not know me, I want you to know that I am former man.I have not smoked 4 years, and smoked almost 3 daily packets.And I am delighted to have left it, because tobacco is bad and hurt me.

That said, the law seems to me a barbarity.It is a harassment and demolish the smoker, criminalizing it and blaming it for almost all evils.If a smoker has a cancer, the fault is his for having smoked.If a non -smoker is, the fault is who smoked nearby.And if the non -smoker lived alone and nobody smoked close, silence ...

It is a hypocritical law.The administration benefits from penguins from tobacco;fine to smokers who do not comply with the law, and only talk about tobacco health costs (in my case zero costs after 35 years smoking like a cosaca), avoiding the economic benefits provided by smokers, much higher than theCosts

And it is still a hypocritical because they continue to refuse to put in the boxes the list of additives that tobacco carries, simply to make it more addictive, however harmful they may be.They deny the smoker the right to know what smokes.

And it is still a hypocritical, because with one hand they take the pasta and with the other they refuse that the treatments to leave the tobacco cover them social security.

And it is still a hypocritical, in addition to useless, because I felt more protected from tobacco when areas for smokers were enabled and I could choose the non -smokers.Now they have turned the sidewalks, to the exit of bars, work centers, etc., in fumaderos.

And I also think that alcohol is much more dangerous.It is the cause of a very high percentage of accidents.It is the cause of fights, attacks, disorders and aggressions, without counting the damage to the drinker itself (it is always a matter of measure, as in tobacco).The difference is that no one has hit his wife for being smoked (tobacco) and yes for being drunk.No one leaves the road for smoking.No one fights for smoking ...

Of course I want you to protect me from tobacco smoke, although it was quite easy to protect myself.But it seems much more important to protect me from what I cannot avoid: the contamination of cars and heating, and factories, and pesticides, and of food additives, and of so many things ...

But protecting is not prohibiting, but enabling rooms or areas where the smoker can smoke without harming anyone.Areas that have a good smoke extraction and ventilation system.And while the State continues to sell tobacco, these areas should be mandatory in hospitals, work centers, educational, recreation, etc.

Why don't they do so?Simply because they are hypocrites.They want people to blame the smoker, when the fault is from the government itself, which conceals their zero ability to do things well by prohibition, facing non -smokers against smokers, and thus, in passing, we talk about tobacco intime to air the real problems of this country, such as unemployment and lack of solutions to a crisis that is already charging enough victims than tobacco.

I am a smoker in leave.I am delighted not to smoke, but I will never become a conversation of those who go with the whip whipping the smokers while they do not mind contaminating with their heating, their air conditioning, their car or its noise.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
01/14/2011 12:34 p.m.
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Ole Alea, I just read you, well to you and everyone, although you more, I think that after what you have written, you can no longer say, and I will not understand disagreements , haveworked the text very well, congratulations . You have all the reason, what I am clear is that they only love us to make us and thus do what they want.
Above all there is peace and understanding, among us, and to take care of yourself.Greetings: Evil:

Consu's profile photo
01/14/2011 12:41 p.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


I am with Maria.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
01/16/2011 7:09 a.m.
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Alea, I'm going to buy a hat to take it out in these cases.

Nacho_71's profile photo
01/17/2011 2:50 a.m.
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Hello everyone! Another true example of my son.At the bus stop, "city", cars and busof the smoker, with a bad face towards him.My son felt as if he had done something wrong.
They are getting the one who does not smoke, is an enemy of the smoker.: (((

Consu's profile photo
01/23/2011 2:20 p.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Hello! Reading about the Stevia and sweeteners I read this ..... ("All things are poisonous and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes one thing not poisonous") Paracelsus (1493-1541).Greetings.

Consu's profile photo
01/27/2011 6:36 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Consu, I would have exhus the same, I would also have set my son (if I had it) from the person who is smoking.In fact, I move away if I can if there is a person smoking and I do not need to be by their side ... and also, if I can, I go in the middle of a park instead of a main avenue of the city to avoid the smoke of thecars ...
Nor should we go to see strange things where there are not, and the smokers should respect people that we do not want to smoke, that we do not like tobacco and that we have our right to "flee" of it.
And the no time I am saying whether or not I am in favor of the Anti -Bacond Law, ...

tica's profile photo
01/27/2011 6:39 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
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