Speaking of debuts and types of diabetes, count mine, which is complicated:
In the year 2005 I did analysis and the fasting glucose came out a little above 120 (I do not remember the figure but must have been something like 129, for example).Therefore, they made me a glycemia curve and I had:
Basal glucose --- 113
glucose at 30 minutes --- 203
glucose at 60 minutes --- 219
glucose at 120 minutes ---63
Then, the endocrine told me that I had prediabetes.
The following year ( 2006 ) they did the same test to see how it was and the results were
Basal glucose --- 93
glucose at 30 minutes --- 218
Glucose at 60 minutes --- 178
glucose at 120 minutes - -128
In 2008 , repeat again
Basal glucose --- 104
glucose at 30 minutes --- 199
glucose at 60 minutes --- 156
glucose at 120 minutes - -114
And in the 2009 , without having weight loss or polyphia, I debuted with
Basal serum glucose ------ 264
Hemoglobin A1c ------ 9'60
C. ketone ---- 10 mg/ dl
By doing the specific DM Di tests
Peptide C in serum 1'7
Peptide C in serum 3 minutes --- 1.8
Peptide C in serum 6 minutes - 2
peptide C in serum 15 minutes-- 2
Steer C peptide 30 minutes-1´8
GAD/ 64K Suero & GT antibodies; 30 U/ ml
IA-2 Suero & Lt antibodies;0'75 U/ml
Langerhans islets Suero & Lt antibodies;2 JDF units
My current endocrine told me based on these tests that due to the gad antibodies she was sure that my DM was 1 and not 1,5 or 2. I still have the hope of being type 2 (because some of them do have a cure) And I wanted to know if seeing this you are also clear that I am type 1.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading me!