Disability and professional access to state bodies

slobato's profile photo   03/20/2010 7:22 p.m.

Hello everyone,
I am a diabetic since 93, then I was 16 years old, since then I have never stopped asking me why diabetics do not have any degree of disability, but nevertheless, we are not suitable for certain jobs, as state security forces, state bodies,Aereo traffic controlle, etc.
My question is, there is some particular reason why this incoherence occurs, that is, we are not valid for certain jobs, and yet we do not have any type of disability?

Thank you very much for your answer,
All the best,
Sergio Lobato

slobato's profile photo
03/20/2010 7:22 p.m.
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If it serves as comfort, many non-diabetics are not suitable for certain jobs, or by stature (hostesses, police, etc.), or because of physical problems that are not a reason for disability (myopia that prevents being a plane pilot, althoughwear lenses or corrective glasses)

Being suitable or not suitable usually depends on the physical or psychotechnical demands of certain works.I remember those who fought from the mili for having flat feet, for example.

Anyway, many times it is still debatable and I suppose that we will have to fight to access most of those works, but I already tell you that it is not exclusive to diabetics.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/21/2010 9:11 a.m.
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The incoherence was not so before 1999, this law was approved and published in that year: Link ... l#annex1c9 >>

Before that year, for having type 1 diabetes, a 33% disability was granted ... the rational if we look at all existing exclusions still today.

Why change?We will have to ask the ruling political party at that time the motivations of that law ...

As far as I know, since the beginning of the year we are working on a new reform of that law ... that almost certainly will not include any modification on diabetes (I hope to be wrong) ... more than anything because I think there is no representativeFrom our group at the negotiating table and I doubt that the claims we need and have the right have been sent to any of the social representatives.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/21/2010 4:33 p.m.
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Well, let's hope that in the reform of the law, these unleasions will be considered not only for our group but also for others that are in a similar situation.
What I consider, is that we are a number of people more than considerable to go unnoticed, and although it is not about calling the "rebellion" :)) much less, I think we should not settle for the repeal ofA law that provided us with a coherent right regarding the limitations that certain jobs put us, and remain silent when this law will be reformed.Do you not believe that it is the right time to collect signatures so that the right to a certain degree of disability is considered again for diabetics?

Greetings to all,

slobato's profile photo
03/21/2010 7:11 p.m.
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I, as a member of the General Assembly of the Federation of Spanish Diabetics (FEDE) and the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FED), I can tell you the official position of the diabetics in this issue.We intend to be the same, therefore that is incompatible that we are recognized for a disability to any degree.Our claims are those of equality, and that implies that we will not have "automatic" disability, but only for those who really can accredit it for its physical state.But on the other hand, this also has the other face;And it is that based on the fact that we state that a person with diabetes is perfectly normal and their disease is generally not limiting, we therefore intend that we can opt for certain positions that are currently seen for us due to old regulations when a person withDiabetes was certainly someone sick and with limitations.But today it is not so.And we intend that any person with diabetes can opt for a police post for example, and that it is only an exhaustive physical and posterior medical examination who determines (as to the rest of the candidates) the possible suitability of that person to the position and if he must continue to passselection phases.
This equal criterion is that it was based, for example, our success when requesting an extension in the renewal of the driving license.

We cannot be asking for this on the one hand and that for another there are people (who there are, and I find it in many places and forums) to ask for a disability to be able to discount four hard pigs from a new car or not to pay the bonobús.That is not a vision of the future for diabetics as a collective.

HanSolo's profile photo
03/22/2010 8:11 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Hi Gondullo,
I think you have not started the post badly, since I share with your presentation that the group of "sick" (which we are, unfortunately) of diabetes we must fight for a position of equality (I completely agree that the physical conditions of many diabeticsThey are far superior to those of many of the people who do not present this chronic disease that we suffer).

On the other hand, I greatly appreciate the work done from any association, federation, community, etc. in the common welfare of the diabetic (provided it is done without profit and there is no more salary than the personal satisfaction of the collaborator).

Basically what I postulate is that although we had disqualia rights, and not of equal labor access, the sensible, or rather, the negotiable is to take a step forward, not two behind for one ahead, that is to say or we are disabled orWe are the same, or progressively we are leaving the degree of disqualia for the sake of a labor acceptance.But what we must not allow a right to lose in exchange for any recognition of equality.

On the other hand, I do not know what you mean or imply with the "cochinos" "cochinos"What good understand.

Finally, I want to thank the General Assembly of the Federation of Spanish Diabetics (FEDE) and the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FED) for the hard negotiations you are taking, since eleven years since the repeal of the law that considered us the degree ofDisvalia, I see that you are in the right way to get equality, I hope I don't late for another eleven years.

Have you already thought about declaring the diabetic pride day? It would be a step for equality, others have achieved more ...

slobato's profile photo
03/22/2010 10:29 a.m.
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Slobato, when I talk about "hard pigs" (I can't help speaking in hard sometimes, already hair gray), I mean we are many times (and surely you all know what I speak) to people who on the one hand, on the one hand,They ask you for example that we eliminate the obstacles to introduce ourselves to state security forces, and on the other they are protesting because we do not have an "automatic" disability just because they are diabetic.I think the latter is wrong, and would only aggravate and hinder our task of all when trying to get equal equal and access to others.Therefore, if you give me choose between being an official disabled or being someone "normal" who can opt for the same as my healthy neighbor, because without a doubt, I keep the last thousand times.And this is the official position of the Spanish Federation.The one to try to demonstrate that many clippers that we have day by day are the result of ancient protocols and ancient medical studies of the last century (yes, of the last century), and that they said that someone with diabetes is someone with limitations, insane and potentially dangerousfor others in certain circumstances.Then they were probably right.But not now.And this is what we must tear down.And for that, one of the first things is to accept that I do not have a disability hair just for having diabetes.

In the Basque Country we are dealing with the administration with the issue of access to local and regional security forces and although it does not look to be resolved from Undía for another, since we continue to remove the matter.And from Madrid you have to do the same so that the creation of an expert group that can redefine the access and exclusion parameters to these jobs is stimulated.

HanSolo's profile photo
03/22/2010 10:59 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Well, I have just agreed with some things of Gondrullo and/or Fede:

- Diabetes is such a broad problem with such a huge casuistry that pretending to "put doors to the sea" is complex: type 1, type 2 with metformin, type 2 with incredine, gestational, type 2 with bolus+basal insulinas, type 2With insulins mixtures, type 2 with sulfoniruleas, gestational with insulin, lada type ... a person with 30 years recently debuted is not the same as another with 10 years of evolution ... do we consider children with diabetes as "equal to therest "too? ... continuous meter ... insulin bomb ...

Speaking only of type 1 diabetes:
- We are never going to be the same ... we have a deficiency that, we want or not, makes us different: we do not produce insulin.The deficiency causes a series of acute problems (hypoglycemia) to a greater or lesser extent and that mediate our ability to perform some activities ... that is, we have a disability.
Against we get closer to an excellent metabolic control (6%) greatly increase the possibilities of having hypoglycemia.
To give an example, a policeman who is at 90 mg/dl and sticks a 10-20 minutes race chasing a thief ... Can you stop to eat a cookie, a bar or whatever to prevent hiccups orDo you have to stop to get a control?
Once otherwise we would be satisfied if the pilot of a plane in which we travel had narcolepsia or genetic predisposition to have a heart problem or poor vision?

- Metabolic control .... An exhaustive medical examination at the entrance to the police body only certifies the medical state at that time ... What do we determine as good control?Let's take the famous 7% gyrhade ... If we defend that while it is below 7% it is suitable for active service and for whatever, its hemoglobin rises above 7%, do we consider you not suitable? ... allWe have times of better and worse controls ...
You talk about exhaustive control ... but and within 1 year?What if it remains in glycades greater than 8%?
Incidentally, I know active police with type 1 diabetes that hide the disease ... obviously with high blood glucose figures (which is easier to hide)

Moving that concept to the degree of disability ... We all know that permanent figures above 7% or 8% gyrhad are an elevation of probabilities of having complications, is it not a reason for giving -value recognition, even if it is minimal?To have another deficiency to give it disability?
This is like the doctors who say: "He has had a heart attack" ... when they should say "he has had a heart attack as a result of his poorly controlled diabetes" Do we "reward" the bad control and presence of complications by obviating the necessary initial prevention?

- Defend the expansion of 1 to 4 years in the renewal of the driving license as a success:-/ ... better that than 1 year, obviously ... but success would be to achieve equalization at 10 years ... always ... alwaysI remember Rafa Sanchez Olmos to tell his triple coronary bypass and said that if he did not have diabetes, he renewed the card for 10 years.8)

- Let's not confuse disabilities with rights.People with diabetes have the right to exercise any profession, just like any other person ... Another thing is that within that profession some tasks or others can be done.

- Miserable there are everywhere ... I know associative leaders in diabetes who first look for their personal supply of reactive strips or needles, even asking the area commercial rather than publicly claiming measures to political leaders ... I know doctors whoThey put their personal (economic) interest to the health of their own patients by collusion with the laboratory on duty (goodbye hypocratic oath) ... autonomic health leaders smeared with travel,Exotic and favors congresses to relatives ...

- To summarize (I don't think anyone has read the billet I have written: Mrgreen :) For me type 1 diabetes is a cause of disability ... maybe not in 33% for the simple fact of having it and here we could weigh several aspects(Hemoglobin, Evolution Complications ...) that will increase that initial percentage of less than 33%

-In any case, we agree or not at this point ... I think that much more vindictive associations are missing than we are now ... Diabetes has a figures of prevalence and incidence beastly, mortality figures maintainedSince the 90s ... of complications ... Diabetes is a great unknown and much of the fault we have affected and the associations.

PD1: Fed no longer exists ... I don't know if unfortunately or luckily.

PD2: I am associative leader of physical and organic disabled associations ... unfortunately many of them have diabetes, the result of bad control and the neglect of some doctors?

PD3: Incredible to seem to people with COPD who leave the hospital with household ventilation, they do not give them the minus value certificate.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/22/2010 6:08 p.m.
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Owash, I feel to disappoint you, but I have read all the thread, including: shock: your extensive post ...: Shock:
I cannot agree with you more at several points, especially in the "miserable there are everywhere": Mrgreen:, unfortunately it is totally true and I personally give it of it.
I also believe that more or nothing isPeople with diabetes?And to inform the disease to the collective?
As for the issue of disabilities, when Noe started the school I requested an assessment, not to save anything or request a "page", but for the school to have some support staff for what it could need and granted him the 10%, come on, nothing.
Anyway, that I liked how well you have explained, I may use some paragraph of you on occasion.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/23/2010 5:21 a.m.
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Owash, I have read you too and I agree with you and with Slobato.It has always caught my attention that they grant a disability when a finger is missing and they do not grant it when the pancreas is missing.In the case of diabetic children it would be a great peace of mind for parents who could count on the schools.We are very unprotected on that subject.

Regina's profile photo
03/23/2010 5:40 p.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


Of course not all people with diabetes are in the same conditions, but not the street people in general.And yet they present many jobs without being vetoed.And not for that reason we will grant the diabetics a percentage of disability.For me they do not have it in a general way.You have to see case by case.In many particular cases they do.But a few years ago that protocols, medications and everything that surrounds our disease, has changed a lot.For better.And that is making complications reduce.And in the near future we will see it.Until now it has not been so.That is why it seems that it clashes that we have to claim equality while today, many people with diabetes are not in good physical condition.But asking otherwise would be a step back.You have to think about the future.

As for the person who says that associations make colonies and little else, I invite you to collaborate with all your availability in which you have more at hand.All Spanish associations are formed by people who dedicate (who dedicate) our free time and our efforts to try to help people with lost diabetes and who know nothing, that every day they are diagnosed and who urgently need support.Getting much higher goals (which I understand is what it refers to) requires things that are not always within our reach.Not to mention how complicated the day to day in most Spanish associations that hardly manage to subsist due to their few income.Mia (Biscay) can consider it fortunate.We are 2500 partners and we do many things.But it is not usual.And an association with 300 partners has the strength of those scarce 300 people that compose it.And that is little pressure and few possibilities of everything;to get funds, to pressure the administration, to capture the attention of the local media ...
Working on this is very little gratifying.Almost nobody thanks you but they usually complain about what does not work out and what is not done.And there are always things to claim and very sporadically progress is made before the administration.For all this, I believe that the renewal of positions and collaborating people in an association is fundamental.But unfortunately there are never enough people to want to help.This world is complicated ...

HanSolo's profile photo
03/25/2010 5 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Disagree and applaud in equal parts;)

First I disagree, the therapeutic arsenal has improved but healthcare and health rights remain the same or worse.
Advances in type 1 diabetes have been good ... feathers, needles, Levemir and Lantus + analogues have improved the quality of life.
The Lantus, which has been in the market for 8-9 years?
The next thing is Siba, 36 -hour ultra -grape ... we'll see
In Spain, there are still no half-unit feathers, we are in the tail van in terms of insulin pumps, nor do we exist in the issue of continuous meters, the podiatry in healthcare is not even recognized (except 1-2 communities), The psychologist in the diabetes units is a utopia ... In the Com.Valenciana there is not a single day hospital, now they restrict reactive strips, 4 years ago we had problems with the needles (repeated in Madrid and othersplaces ...) etc.
We continue with the same labor limitations as 10 years ago ... We continue with the problems in schools (despite good initiatives such as the Balearic, Basque or Catalan) and we continue with the same social ignorance of diabetes as 10 years ago.

Being 1-2 afternoons in an association receiving newly diagnosed people or who have never explained "that of sugar" one account of the magnitude of the problem.

In type 2 the incretins are going to revolutionize patients ... As I said in another post, right now there is no medical problem in keeping a patient with type 2 diabetes controlled ... the problems come due to the null diabetological educationin primary care and the null support of health leaders to the care of chronic patients.

Gondullo, looks to see if R.Bengoa dominates the art of hypnosis and together to the regional health directors and does something ...

Regarding the associations ... In general, voluntarism at volunteering is a very large stretch ... lack of professionalism, managing an association must be carried out with business criteria and social objectives ... something easy ... as Gondurulo says, it dependsThe will and endurance of two or three people in each association
Who says camps, says snacking, lottery or talk sponsored by chocolateArea ... Taking small steps, but advancing.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/25/2010 11:24 a.m.
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Gondurulo, look to see if r.bengoa dominates the art of hypnosis and joints the regional health counselors and does something ...

Precisely this afternoon I have given order to formally request the meeting with him that we have pending since he agreed to the position.This man promises, since he wants to revolutionize the way of managing health care to the chronicles, doing it in a more effective, rational and therefore releasing the Basque health system, which is entering a situation of collapse andinefficiency away from that wonderful and exemplary image that the other autonomous health services took model.

HanSolo's profile photo
03/29/2010 12:01 p.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


but I have misunderstanding, before his passage to politics he was a health consultant on such policies, among other things ...
In the Valencian zone he made a couple of star appearances ... to which we are still waiting for him to pay attention.

I hope for your good, that it is everyone's, does not become "a Bernat Soria" ... I would disappoint me.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/29/2010 2:45 p.m.
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What a belly to read, for me you all have part of reason.You tell the examiner that you are a diabetic closes the doors and send you home. I would have liked to finish the tests even if in the end they told me that you are not suitable, but because I do not pass the tests not because I am diabetic. But that isThe reality for many things the diabetic word is a coso if you said that it is the plague (and forgive for the comparison) but I is what I lived. I do not lose the hope of entering although it is very difficult, but I hope that in the future not veryFar people like us can say that he got it.

I have a friend who is an insulin -dependent diabetics and is struggling to enter and it would hurt me a lot to be treated like me, she looks forward and excited and would like at least try.Pillar minusvalia for discounts and others, they talk about diabetes to people as if they were dying and because of that kind of people, equality becomes more difficult. I do not want disavival just that we look normal to us not to classify us with somethingThat is not.

josealmeri's profile photo
01/30/2011 4:44 p.m.
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Being associated and being able to join forces to achieve objectives is fundamental in this "democratic" country.It is clear that the minorities and those who do not raise their voice or mount a chicken to go out in the press have it raw.
He who wants to defend his rights whatever, if he goes free or goes crazy or ruins, nobody defends him and looked at him as a weirdo, even depart from him even if he is absolutely right in the world.
Anyway, I wanted to say this because they are my conclusions a bit of a thug, I imagine that we all think the same.
I wanted to tell Hansolo that I am also from Bizcaya, Bilbao, and the Eye Center.Type 1 diabetic, no one from the association contacted me, I think that from the medical centers they should communicate to the ascociation the new cases to get in touch.The fact is to pass me through the association asking for various advice, but I was disappointed, we have no lawyers, I do not say in payroll, that I would give to pay him with all who we are, not even any to send him cases, Toc toub we are in Hispanist Hamijos,

jjvm's profile photo
07/03/2015 9:05 a.m.
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