Helora I don't know if it will work for you, but mine became very tense when we had to click on the culete and it was a fight, apart from how bad it happens.We did several things to get used to, one was to give it a ball, without a clear needle, so that he also put the insulin to his dolls, to make us (or make us) the controls naturally to see it as amore routine.And another thing was also to give him "prizes" when he behaved well or distract him with something new while we click him (even if it is a photo or a drawing taken from the computer, something that distracts him and relaxes him at that time).I bought a box of tractors that came about 20 or so it didn't cost me much and we had for a good season.It goes wrong but you'll see that little by little they get used to, children are very routine.Congratulations on school, often rest and how difficult it is to meet people like that.Ah about the jellyla, mine does not like anything, so I can't help you.If you want something, I give sugarless chupachups, some aspitos or even if any kinder chocolate is short of those little ones.
Maruchi coincides with Velia, too many changes, so it is very difficult to know if you have the basal adjusted.According to you, if at 23.00 it is a little high, you may miss a little bowl of dinner bolus.But well if you run and at 3 hours it is fine, do not reduce basal unless it is very fair because what is happening is that this reduction you do causes the rise of 4.00.If there is that up and down it is because basal reductions are left over or perhaps are excessive.I would do as Velia says, try to see first the line that makes at night, even for more tranquility being a tall tad and when you observe it, then you will see if it tends to go up or down and you already modify basal.It is important not to make so much change at the beginning because it is difficult to establish a guideline.
Supernena welcome, my son is smaller so I don't think her basal ones help you.In addition, girls at that age already begin with the hormonal revolution.Much encouragement and patience, which at first costs a bit but then it is the best treatment.
Oh Mornita, the brothers, I have had it and I have it difficult to have both of the same age.I have had from the non -diabetic asking us to control him, to the diabetic saying he wants to be like his brother, so as not to have to puncture.It is complicated, the best I think is to be neutral, that they do not see that we see it as something negative but as a thing that each one has, although it is then inevitable to "pay more attention to the diabetic and that can take its toll to the non -diabetic.
I don't remember anymore :(
Kisses for all