Hello to all
With permission I join the parents of parents, even without being (unless I know: d)
Regarding summer camps, you can not get an idea of how complicated it is to organize an activity for 60-80 families of such disparate ages (7 and 15 years for example) and such different needs/peculiarities.
In Valencia we always made a talk prior to the camp for parents, where we pass the menus, activities, approximate schedules and recommendations in terms of materials, clothing etc.(Despite being in writing many jump to the bullfighter).
In children with "special needs" (celiacía, not wanting certain foods, excessive sensitivity to insulin, little or no independence in the management of diabetes ... and millions of more possibilities) what it is about doing isthat 1 monitor is at the maximum pending of it.
The ratio monitors/assistants, in my opinion, must never exceed 1 monitor for every 3.
Obviously the monitors must know what the subject is going, in Valencia the association is formed, and at least 15 days in advance, monitors and doctors have the insulin guidelines and annotations notebook of the previous 2 months. In this form, you can try to study each case.
Even so, and since you know everyone, diabetes is the closest thing to chaos theory and in the end you have to be prepared because anything can happen to you, no matter how much you prepare it.