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Parents of children with diabetes

Velia's profile photo   04/28/2008 5:35 a.m.

Hello everyone again, here I am Hugo already carries the pump and the meter.I would like to say that everything is great but it is not at all, not having to prick him is wonderful but the truth is that I do not think that the situation of the glycemia has improved much.I think that my son is impossible my endo has told me that we will have to wait for it to be old but you already know that it does not comfort.The meter having so many sudden changes of glycemia sometimes turns crazy and I have to return to the punctures on the continuous finger.Because of the bomb well because it allows me to make many corrections with few doses but I already tell you with the daily struggle of hypos and hyper, now they are trying to find some pattern that explains this situation but even they realize that it is impossible,I do not know if the only solution will be to wait for it to grow but as I tell you that overwhelms me more, also thinking that next year enters school and I don't know what will happen.Well I hope that all the little ones are well a kiss for all children and parents.

shandra's profile photo
10/28/2009 6:19 a.m.
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Shandra , look just tell you that you don't despair, I know it's easy to say it but I want you to know that in my case I have psado very bad moments.

Regarding the insulin bomb, tell you that the principles are difficult, why?Well, it is very difficultBike, today under the street and spend the day sitting, today comes a tantrum of me day that for glycemia did up, today I sleep my nap and tomorrow not, not to mention the happy moccos, colds, otitis..... Let's go what a child's life is at these ages.All this makes it more difficult to find the basal sections, but I can assure you that it is not impossible.

My girl was put on the bomb with 20 little tables, we had to adapt to the pump and especially understand when, as and why you have to go up and down the basal and not the bolus and vice versa, lose the fear of modifying basal and Bolus,get the most out of the pump.This is not achieved in a month, the glycemia do not change for the best of the night a day, but I can assure you that for me and I think that for many moms and parents who have a son with diabetes 1 like us, for now it is the besttreatment.

I tell you so that you have one day that my girl has come to carry, 13 basal sections, nowadays it carries 8 sections (when they grow and their activity is changing the TB sections are reduced), including a stretch in the morning (at school) of 0.00 units at the time for a period of 2 hours, that is, nothing insulin enters that section, nothing more than the m/m bolus.

The doctors and educators in diabetes help you a lot, but in the end, the ones that will best know the insulin needs at every moment of the day will be you, the parents, it will be like doing a menster, without paying a little money.I know that it will seem impossible today but I am sure you will get it little by little.

You may have to delay some food to see if the basal maintains glycemia, controls every hour, in the nap, if they normally carry a higher basal, in the morning or in the afternoon if it has more activity and moves morea smaller basal.

Anyway, I just wanted to send you a message of tranquility, maybe I do not have a rebel diabetes, simply that it is difficult to find the guidelines because it is very tiny.

You really will find them, it will cost them but I will achieve it I have no doubt.

A very big kiss, especially for your little Hugo.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/28/2009 7:06 a.m.
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Shandra, my son as time goes by I see that he has more fixed patterns.The one who started the school really helps us maintain an order that comes from pearls for control.Last year I had more and further sense, although in our case I think that as time goes by we are knowing and knowing more about the use of the pump and insulin that needs for each ration and what food we have really controlled and which no andThat makes us "" "better" "" "controlled.(It shows that I have been for two days of good glycems huh?)
That I tolerate the continuous meter and its insect.We want to try it but it seems that until December Na de Na.
Velia and Lena, if when the catheter is going, it is only going up to 300 you are very lucky.David without problem 400 and more
Velia, hallucino with the change of catheter.I will try to upload basal when I correct with a new catheter for an obstruction.But the bolus so high .... I with the 6mm to correct a 400 how insulin enters much better with a 0.2 low to 80. The truth is that the first hour does not lower fast but the second low low.We will test
We have been with the catheter with the catheter without problems.Let's see how the school comes out today.
Lena, David lowered her or the lady in class her pants but now I have taught him to be careful with the pegata and for now he has not gone wrong and is usually remembered.It is so lordly ....! Anyway, it seems more difficult for "Aarrastras" to this catheter than the 6mm, it seems more "ergonomic."

santesteban's profile photo
10/28/2009 7:06 a.m.
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Santesteba that we have crossed !!!!As I am glad to read and especially as I am glad that everything is going to better, this forum is milk !!!!As I am glad to have found you.

Well look, my little boy or less knows how to get his pants without damaging the catheter, but I talked to his teacher and prefer that it would be so because but who knows that the catheter has been released when thenurse?This issue worried me a little, so as his teacher did not say no and it seemed good, because we do so, next year that it will be more great I hope I don't need that help.

Santesteban do you know one thing?It seems to me like you, the oblique catheter gives me the feeling as if it were easier to get hooked when the pants upload, it may not be just a feeling, the case is that yesterday it got hooked and came out.

On Monday we led her to have an analysis and the endocrine told us that it was better not to risk a 300 or 400 and change the catheter every 2 days or 2 and a half days if we were doing so.

Santesteban I'm wanding to you, I bless the oblique catheters!eh;);)!

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/28/2009 7:21 a.m.
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You are very lucky to have endocrine and educators that guide you a lot and well.In our case I do not know if the problem is in us that from the beginning we try to manage or that they do not control much.Some of this is second that about diabetes educated us a lot but with the bomb they sent us home without four basic notions that were not like handling the pump (the buttons) I think they do not control this issue much and leave it in the hands ofthose of Medtronic that solve problems if you are called.
That is why this forum has been salvation.I usually read interesting pieces to my husband of what you write and usually say: "At good time you found this forum. I prefer this than any visit to the endocrine. I learn much more" and that it is recorded that we are both toilets and is to throw stones at ourown company.But it is what there is.
By the way, Lena, we have a coffee one day with Velia Juan Luis and Angela and that we live in Pamplona and came from pearls.She taught me how the square bowling that nobody had done before.
Shandra, as Lena tells you, time is an important asset in the control of the damn diabetes, I believe it that way.The smaller the more difficult it is.

santesteban's profile photo
10/28/2009 10:23 a.m.
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Good morning .... Mother what you have written ... Let's see if I remember everything.

Lena, I insist that what happened to you was that the girl did not enter the insulin that should enter, now as it enters well ... I understand that I fear you to have a 300 in the glucon, but I particularlyI would risk how much it endures with the catheter, more than anything because if you save it one day, welcome, and you have already seen what Marcita, or Becky told you, that his girls are similar ages.
We go to Madrid every 3-4 weekends, we have a house there ... although it is a weekend that we usually have enough complete since we take care of my sister-in-law Nati, we can one day try to have coffee ... As Santesteban says, the truth is that it is pleasant and very good to share experiences with other parents in the same situation.

Shandra, congratulations !!!With the meter, constant dedication and observation is needed, in addition to some truquillos that always come good .... It is true that the best measurements occur when there is stability, and it is true that it becomes a little crazy, as you say.I do not know if you know that you should not calibrate in a rough climb or decrease, you have to wait for stabilizing and then calibrating .... What you say that your child has difficult diabetes, I believe that as a general rule the children what the children what the childrenThey have very variable rhythms, and that is what makes control more difficult, but I don't think diabetes is better or worse .... As Santesteban says, having some "order" or "routine" is very important, although with the kids we know that it is a very complicated task .... especially a lot of patience and a lot of encouragement ... if you need to know anything about the meter do not hesitate to ask.

Santesteban, at Angela when we have put the catheter and has not worked for him, has come to have 400 or HI, but it has always been to change, anyway the change I never do it before eating and I avoid doing it with high glycemies, forAvoid precisely that.It is that Angela does not stop working suddenly, except that I spend three people because I have forgotten, but still, her glycemia are simply greater than expected ... The Bolus of the change, maybe I have expressed badly... When I speak of 0.7 or 0.8, 1 or 1.2 I mean the barrel of the cannula, instead of 0.3 or 0.7, the extra bolus are put according to the figure you have ... I do not know if I explain myself if I explain myself if I explain if I explain if I explain if I explain if I explain if I explain if I explain if.

Well, today I have rolled up.

Kisses and good day for everyone, present and absent.

Velia's profile photo
10/29/2009 5:11 a.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


Mother, this can no longer be missing a single day, whatever you have written ........
Man, are you missing, how about the chocolates?What about Nico's stain?Tell us, I hope it is nothing important and you can avoid operation.Many kisses.
Velia, forgive me!I saw your call and I was going to send you a message and in the end I completely forget so far that I have read you, I have not heard it, I always forget that I have the answering machine ........ AskMamidejuan, I have a head: Oops:
Marcita, where are you?How about noe?Are you already calmer with the happy cateters?
Lena, I am with Velia with the catheter, for trying, you do not lose anything, if you see that you do not work you do not repeat it again and already this but it is lasting about four or five days without problems, one day I pass meLike Velia that I spend completely and when I looked at the history of the barley we carried 6 days!And the blood glucose had not yet shot.By the way I will try the alcohol to see if it goes better because Nayah is very pejilguera and with the leukotape he complains too, he still does not want to take it alone because he says that it hurts a lot.
Shandra, I am very happy that in the end you got what you needed so much, as I all give you and also tell you to give it a little more time to take the appropriate guidelines, it is more difficult than you believed but surely it will be better than better thanWith the other treatment.
Nayah carries a couple of days with very strong headaches, it had never happened to him, the glycemia are fine but you already know that we relate everything to the same, diabetes.Any experience?
Kisses for all, lost .......

Beky's profile photo
10/29/2009 8:19 p.m.
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Good morning!!!!
Becky, don't hurry, if my head is either good, hahahaha ... we already talked.
Angela has also had a few days with a headache .... Junifen gave him and passed him ... now it seems that he does not complain.If you continue, take it to the ophthalmologist, sometimes when you do not see well and have to focus a lot can cause pain.
Marcita is still missing, I suppose it will be one of those times that you don't feel like writing.
Today's Toledo ... Angela all night short (values ​​not less than 80, but at 3 I stopped feeding him and started with the basal, a little shit, of course, at 5.30 I got it in 135 andIt has risen with 113 .... But of course, I throw some foxes.
Well family ... I wish you to pass a good end of weekly long (to which you have it) and that glycemia accompany you ...

Velia's profile photo
10/30/2009 4:19 a.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


Good morning, family.
I have disappeared a few days and I have had a downturn, between bad with my throat and the spirits that I could not upload them ...: Oops :, but already better, of the two things.
I am glad that the theme of the catheters is improving.We continue to change them every three days and when we do they work perfectly.We also have changed 5 with the new lot and it has not been taken off again and that noe is given some touches in the park lately that is to see it, slides, on Earth, with the friends ... that in the end I was going tobeing that the others were not very good.
Shandra, a lot of encouragement, if so small costs a lot, but in the end, you will see how you get it.
Beky, I don't think Nyah's headaches have to do with diabetes, look up, as Velia says, to see how.
Velia, every day to call you and chat for a while, but I don't take time.I have also put myself to study (at old age, smallpox, hehehehe) and I am in a hurry.On Tuesday we are going to review, but I expressed again :?.
Noe is very good (I touch wood, I cross my fingers and all those things ...) both with glycemia and the rest.Today he is with the excursion school, to a park close to eating chestnuts and nuts, to see how.
Well, you have a good bridge, we are going to my town.Kisses.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/30/2009 8:12 a.m.
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Good !!!! e
And noe tb eats chestnuts and nuts?I have never given him yet and not sure.
Topic Duration catheters.David has his second oblique and we have decided to leave him until some problem.He has been doing me at lunch for 4 and a half days and for lunch, I tell you that it works.We are going to change it now since I am leaving the single weekend and my husband stays in front and alone.It will be the first weekend from the diagnosis in which I am not going to see only one blood glucose and I will sleep without alarm clock.You already imagine how I am happy between this and that the obliques go pearls and do not take off with the bathroom.
Thank you very much girls for the recommendation of the obliques.

santesteban's profile photo
10/30/2009 11:34 a.m.
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It seems that the headaches have disappeared, I have also thought that it could be by the eyes like you and more with a history but what was molyDo not repeat yourself.
Nayah to the cateters gives them some wicked that you do not see when he goes to the bathroom and they have never taken off, only in some occasion when he went to the pool but he has not passed us again, now with the lambdaline if I notice that they do not stickSo much but for now they endure well.
Santesteban, who caught him, does not know the envy you give me, even if he was calling all day.Enjoy a lot.
Happy bridge for everyone.

Beky's profile photo
11/01/2009 7:07 p.m.
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Hello!I am new, my son is going to turn 4 years, he debuted 7 months ago, two weeks ago he has been insulin bomb (Minimed-Medtronic 522) we have pending to put the continuous glucose meter minilink, but we are waiting to make us a little more with thebomb.I have read that some of your children (Velia, Shandra) have a meter.I would like to participate in this forum to share experiences with these new devices.
I have read Shandra's message and that's why I have dedicated myself to registering, we had problems with the hypos, and with the bomb we continued to have hypos, but I suppose little by little.

mornita's profile photo
11/02/2009 3:52 a.m.
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Hello, Mornita, welcome.

There are people with a lot of experience here who are sure to guide you very well.

My daughter does not wear the meter.Only the pump, the minimed 722.

By the way, today another file X. lay with 175 and at 7 in the morning he had 470. I thought there could be a jam in the bomb, but there has been no alarms.I click 8 units.With Boli and only went down to 418. I punctured 5 units.and went down to 275. I put 3 units.more and at the time I was in 175. I let her sleep and when I returned from walking I was in 48. What a horture!


DiabetesForo's profile photo
11/02/2009 8:45 a.m.
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Thanks Alea.

Shandra and Velia: Where do you put the meter?I say it for rotation.Have you tested the arms?With the issue of the meter I have deflated a bit, although I have it here at home we have not yet set a date to start.My child is small I do not know how we will rotate the areas because in the belly the pump's catheter does not do well, it has the same problem you have commented, if we want to use the meter we will also have to opt for the oblique catheter for the areaof the belly.And the truth, with only two weeks of the bomb he surpasses me a little so much.

Another consultation, Dual Bolus, how do you calculate the duration and quantity of the square bolus?What kind of meals is it more effective?I've already read the churros ...

mornita's profile photo
11/02/2009 9:29 a.m.
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Welcome Mornita!As you have read this forum is super useful.
We are going to make a year of bomb in December and we are still learning new things, but for many months we are taking advantage of it.We also want to try the meter and in December it seems that they will reach the hospital and they will call us to try it.What community are you?Have you proposed the endocrine about the meter?

From the weekend of single tell you that I recommend it as you can imagine.The wonderful thing has been that I went with single friends who do not know what diabetes is diabetes, school, vomiting and diarrhea nights ... so I even transported my time of singleness in which we talked aboutMen, music, cinema, ... I didn't look at the watch until Sunday afternoon.

David is still well with the obliques.Today I have called me to change me definitively of ccatéres.
The only problem is insertion.He has taken panic.I have to talk to him.

santesteban's profile photo
11/02/2009 9:30 a.m.
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Santesteban: my son was put for three days the continuous "hospitable" meter, we are in the hospital, which is not wireless like the Medtronic Minilink, but the sensor is the same, impresses the needle and the sensor itself,Although you when using the oblique catheter (is 13 right?) Will not cause you so much "horror."Of course, without Emla or speaking, my son put it in gluteo and two tears that you do not see, he really hurt him, because my son is not complaining at all.The Minilik, the one that goes with the Medtronic bomb, which I know does not cover social security, nor consumables either, although I have read the case of Velia that consumables give it.We are from the Balearic Islands, and here nothing at all, I have paid it, and you see here I still have it without using.

mornita's profile photo
11/02/2009 9:47 a.m.
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Very good, family.
How soon the Finde Largo passed!and today review in Cáceres.All good, the hemo in 7 and the new phenomenal endo, has even been talking to Noe, asking if she was happy with the bomb, if she worn it well, how in the school ... in December we have the annual revision.
Santesteban, I'm glad you enjoy the single lion, how good that would make us more than one!
Mornita, welcome.We are also newbies with the bomb, we have it a month ago and the truth is that we are very happy, removing the bad times of the cateters that fell ...
Beky, Paz, Jose ... and other daddies, how are those kids?

DiabetesForo's profile photo
11/03/2009 12:32 p.m.
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Hello daddies, I enter a second to tell those who do not read the route, that we are a little pachuchos, flu process, we believe ... there is not eager to read, therefore, when I recover I already updates.
Kisses and good day.

Velia's profile photo
11/04/2009 6:33 a.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


Good morning, family
How do the kids follow?The cold has already started here, so I don't think we are late to cold ... :(
Noe is still very good and today it is a catheter change, it will even be changed because it has it as the first day, nothing to do with those who fell.
Have a good day, and tell you something.Kisses.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
11/05/2009 1:49 a.m.
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As Velia just tell you that we are low since my husband's sister has died with 35 years.A real ordeal has passed for 8 years after a traffic accident.He has fought and we have all fought for her as Titans but ... sends the one who commands.
Boys: We have a hard life for the problem of our children, but there are many more people in the struggle for life and me seeing and living with my sister -in -law has taught me a lot.

santesteban's profile photo
11/05/2009 9:10 a.m.
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