This is a matter of the diabetics is quite worried and to carry a pregnancy with optimal figures is usually more complicated.There are many urban myths and legends about this, many people say it is impossible to be diabetic and mother, k you can kedar blind or touched from the kidneys, many barbarities.There are also much more risk of malformations, abortions.There are even endocrine of the old school and gynecologists k recommend not to get pregnant to diabetics and any failure or problem k there are in pregnancy blame it to diabetes.Well, this is still one more statistic, the great majority of diabetics are pregnant, they have good pregnancies and precious children without any added problem.There is not much more risk between a diabetic pregnancy and a non -diabetic pregnancy.
I have a son of almost 6 years and I am 30 weeksThis becomes a corner to talk so much about pregnancy, buskeda, birth and diabetes: D