Sidiary can help you precisely with the self -control of your levels of
glucose, carbohydrate intakes and injections control
Insulin, among many other things.
You can use Sidiary from the PC, installing it with a USB memory, it is what
more practical because you do not have to install anything and the information is saved
In USB memory.
You can also install Sidiary in the world or a PDA (electronic agenda),
In any of these devices, you will have the option to perform the
monitoring of your glucose and insulin controls, in addition it will indicate
When you carry it well controlled or when you start diverting.
Sidiary is very simple to use, he is thought from, for people who
They have never used a computer, even, for people who are a specialist in
computing.In fact, you can start as a beginner and the program will go
proposing to use more options.
You can find more information at:
We remain at the end of any other doubt or clarification.
Equipment team.