The mayor of Huelva, Pilar Miranda and the president of the Huelva Diabetes Association, Diego Gómez Castillo, have signed this morning the annual collaboration agreement that reaffirms the municipal commitment to an entity that “works to improve the quality of life of the diabetic patientsand that of their relatives, providing them with psychological assistance and social support. ”

Miranda has highlighted “the importance of supporting the work of this association that, given the alarming growth of diabetes, strives to publicize, combat and stop the disease, providing information and sensitizing the population in the promotion of healthy life habits,also favoring measures for dissemination, prevention, research and training that contribute to detect early and prevent the beginning of this pathology. ”

For his part, the president of Huelva Diabetes has taken the opportunity to regret “the lack of options, supplies and attention necessary to face the increase in cases in the province” ensuring that “from the association we work to get there where the administrations cannot,So these agreements are fundamental to be able to offer our partners key services for their health. ”

In addition, in the object to integrate patients, family, volunteers and professionals, with the intention of working together in the prevention, awareness and accompaniment of affected people and their families are organized as hiking, family coexistence, diabetological education talks, Diabetological Education talks,Excursions, summer camps, workshops and events such as the solidarity race for diabetes or World Diabetes Day.