Hello, I am 39 years old and I am currently not diagnosed as a diabetic, but I need to expose my case because I live abroad and here apparently they are going quite slow to give me results and I do not know if they will look at everything as it should, soSomeone could tell me if my symptoms could be compatible with diabetes and/or what to do until a diagnosis here could be eternally grateful.
In recent years I have had some somewhat high sugar in the analysis (although my diet in general has always been healthy, almost as carbohydrates except supposedly "light" juices that I left a few months ago, which I do not know if they have notIt could cause some problem), I exercise more or less regularly and I have a good physical resistance, but my work as it happens on so many occasions is currently extremely sedentary, having to be hours and hours at rest in front of the computer, soIn turn, I also have some overweight, although doctors are also checking if I can have a hormonal problem that explains it.
In that context, approximately one week ago I began to notice some palpitations of the heart (the heart beating something stronger, without being excessively strong but yes annoying enough when they are perceived more at rest and the heart rate is at least in optimal values in optimal valuesof about 60-70 pulsations per minute) and at approximately two days during the night he gave me a kind of "downturn", with a strong dizziness, sweating and sensation of fainting at any time (I did not feel any pain or pressure in the heart orNor an acceleration of the heart rate, apart from the pulsations).I took a cereal bar and a few minutes later I began to feel better (although I have no idea if the bar was what made me feel better because of a possible diabetes problem or if in reality the problem is another), I went to the hospitalAnd there I was measured by glucose with the microcort on my finger and the result was 135 (about 10-15 minutes after eating my bar), while a few minutes later they took blood from the arm for an analytical arm and there came 121. I was 121. I was 121. IThey made electrocardiogram, radiography and blood analysis and everything was within normality, except for high cholesterol (in 199), but talking to doctors here and also with a cardiologist from Spain it seems that this has not caused any problem or problemthat I have anything in the heart system (although these days are doing more tests to have a more general vision).
The issue is that the doctors here said that those levels of 135 and 121 "were within normality" and that it did not seem that it was a sugar problem, but that they would do me with 24h urine anyway to see everythingBetter, but the problem is that apparently those results will not transmit them to me in 2 weeks and I continue to feel palpitations and occasionally dizziness (without knowing perhaps if I could have another "downturn" again).
I am doing in my house urine collection of 24h different days and what I have noticed is that my urine (at least to me) smells like somewhat sweet milk (I feel if the similarity is not very good, but clearly I notice a certainSweet tone as if I smelled it by closing my eyes and thought that is something sweet, not urine) and, of course, I am made a mess because perhaps I am at that point where a diabetic is super uncontrolled and the results apparentlyI will not know them in 2 weeks and I don't even know if this could be dangerous.
Would you have, please, an opinion or advice?What could do to at least try to avoid a "downturn" again if it is a diabetes problem?Or would you need if that is the problem injecting insulin or pills to start feeling good?
PD: I have a family history of diabetes, the closest my father who had type II diagnosed and as an adult more or less at my age (although I have the occasional relative with type II diabetes and also type I).
Thank you very much in advance.