Good morning, I wanted questions if you weigh food in the morning or if you do it by eye.My doctor told me that it is normal for the mornings to need more insulin.In fact, I get up at 90 or so and just put my body in motion, my glucose is already shooting without insulin.So, it is useful to know that the toasts that I am going to eat weigh 30 grams and I will need 3 insulin units if I will also need 8 units to start the day.
Thank you very much and health to all!
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Well, over time nobody weighs or measures food.You learn how your body works.
In the morning there is some insulin resistance, you have to put the 30 or 45 min units before breakfast, in this way when the medicine begins to act, you eat, and it does not give peak.
It is also important to reduce the intake of hydrates at breakfast, you can change it by protein or toast of protein bread that have few hydrates.
Another option is to have breakfast from 10:00, to me on that time Mee has lowered insulin resistance.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.